HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Much happiness and prosperity coming your way. Also possibly a kitten of your own in the next few months. The cat distribution system has had some glitches recently, but all seems good now. I would recommend checking behind your pot plants on the balcony every few days just to be sure.
small voice may I have some birthday cake please
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Happy birthday kitty 🎂
Happy birthday! I’ve been saving this: 🍩 from chef’s after 8 stash, but you can have it
Oooooh now that’s special! I have been spoiled with offers of food today.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Much happiness and prosperity coming your way. Also possibly a kitten of your own in the next few months. The cat distribution system has had some glitches recently, but all seems good now. I would recommend checking behind your pot plants on the balcony every few days just to be sure.
Happy birthday Kitten! Hope you have a fabulous day! 🎂
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday 🎂🎉