I put a few drops of aromatherapy oils on cotton balls and chuck them in all the bins. Put one in the vacuum cleaner bag. I make my own room deodoriser, carpet sprinkles, floor cleaner and surface spray.
During the warmer weather I take the dog bed out and beat the living shit out of it. Give it a good spray of glen 20 or frebreze cos he’s a stinky little boy.
And I have one of those things that heats up wax melts.
Air the place out frequently and clean with nice smelling products, like that McLintock vanilla spray or something with lemon myrtle. I use essential oils, usually lavender in the evening sprayed on soft furnishings, and I clean the floor with eucalyptus and lemon myrtle oil cleaner.
How do you like to deodorise and fragrance your home?
Regular cleaning
I put a few drops of aromatherapy oils on cotton balls and chuck them in all the bins. Put one in the vacuum cleaner bag. I make my own room deodoriser, carpet sprinkles, floor cleaner and surface spray.
During the warmer weather I take the dog bed out and beat the living shit out of it. Give it a good spray of glen 20 or frebreze cos he’s a stinky little boy.
And I have one of those things that heats up wax melts.
Air the place out frequently and clean with nice smelling products, like that McLintock vanilla spray or something with lemon myrtle. I use essential oils, usually lavender in the evening sprayed on soft furnishings, and I clean the floor with eucalyptus and lemon myrtle oil cleaner.
I orange oil the floor. It’s not super cheap but really good for the wood and smells nice.
Incense. Nag champa lol
I deodorise with lots and lots of cleaning and I use scented candles for a touch of fragrance, usually something citrus, rose or jasmine
Candles & cooking 😺
Well me and the kid like to rip ass with the occasional input from the dogs. So to answer your question my house fucking stinks.
Ozone generators are some what hardcore deoderising thing but they kill everything in the home - plants, pets, bugs, etc…