I’ve done the unthinkable. I’m cooking sweet potato and potato NOT in the microwave 😱
Cooked off some red onion, garlic, cumin, chilli flakes & powder & sauce, cayenne pepper, pepper, paprika, ginger, salt and pepper. Added chicken stock, crushed tomatoes, sweet potato and potato. Results pending. Will add beans
That actually looks really hearty and delicious though. Do you usually give sweet potato and potato the same cooking time in liquid? (Bearing in mind it depends very much on which varieties are used…)
I have investigited the incident. 🚨 👮♂️ Cooking potatoes without a microwave does look very suspicious, however I am unable to make an arrest at this time due to the lack of a handcuff emoji.
But surely that is not appropriate until after trial, when a conviction has been obtained and sentence passed. Locking someone up without due process on the basis of nothing more than suspicious potato cooking methods seems a little draconian.
Results: hard to describe in detail. I just chunked up some sweet potato and potato, put em in the tomatoey oniony spicy mix, topped up with some chicken stock. Left it maybe 20m, checked by poking with knife, seemed ok but left another 5m, mixed in beans and cracked in eggs, left another few mins. Voila. Tubers were tender and flavourful
I’ve done the unthinkable. I’m cooking sweet potato and potato NOT in the microwave 😱
Cooked off some red onion, garlic, cumin, chilli flakes & powder & sauce, cayenne pepper, pepper, paprika, ginger, salt and pepper. Added chicken stock, crushed tomatoes, sweet potato and potato. Results pending. Will add beans
Looks like a nice little hot tub for some chorizo to swim around in.
U think I’m made of money?
yes. Your stocks rising 😎
Arrest this impostor, mods!!!
That actually looks really hearty and delicious though. Do you usually give sweet potato and potato the same cooking time in liquid? (Bearing in mind it depends very much on which varieties are used…)
I have investigited the incident. 🚨 👮♂️ Cooking potatoes without a microwave does look very suspicious, however I am unable to make an arrest at this time due to the lack of a handcuff emoji.
use chains and lock instead ⛓🔐
But surely that is not appropriate until after trial, when a conviction has been obtained and sentence passed. Locking someone up without due process on the basis of nothing more than suspicious potato cooking methods seems a little draconian.
These are magic tiny chains and lock shaped into handcuffs, to make sure the only way their hands can prepare a potato is to microwave it.
I usually microwave them. Idk wtf im doing
either you’re an impostor or you’ve been possessed
I’m going with possession. Watch for head turns and green never ending puke
Someone was asking for greens. I’m not sure that was exactly what was intended, but green’s green, right?
The green is their ENVY
Brave, uncharted territory… Keen to hear your results. I personally like steaming my potatoes :D
Results: hard to describe in detail. I just chunked up some sweet potato and potato, put em in the tomatoey oniony spicy mix, topped up with some chicken stock. Left it maybe 20m, checked by poking with knife, seemed ok but left another 5m, mixed in beans and cracked in eggs, left another few mins. Voila. Tubers were tender and flavourful
Great, I’ll be over in 5…
deleted by creator
Where are the GREEEEENNSSS? Gotta have some greeeeeenns.
The greens are my stocks rising 😎
I can hear your microwave crying
While My Microwave Gently Weeps
Blasphemously delicious