I went to Aldi with the kid other day and I compared the pair between her and her dad in the way they shop.
The man: He pushes the trolley so I can concentrate on my list. He is slow. He likes to look at everything. He says it’s because he doesn’t come that often. By the time I’ve reached the end he’s still sniffing and fondling the fruit. I have to walk back to the trolley constantly. He doesn’t forget anything. He browses quietly except for the odd “should we get this” or “didn’t you say we needed this”.
He scans. I pack. He loads everything in the car. Returns the trolley.
The kid: She pushes the trolley. She likes to look at everything. She’s quick but likes to point everything out. “Can I have this” “put it in” “can I have this” “put it in” “can I have this” “whatever”. Eventually she stops asking because I’m not even looking. I’m concentrating. I may have forgotten stuff. She costs me an extra $50.
She scans. I pack. I push the trolley to the car, load it and return the trolley.
Question: Which one would you prefer to shop with, the slow poke who does everything for you or the octopus who doesn’t hold you up?
Ps. They shop together quite often. I can see why it takes them so long to get back from buying ice cream.
I think I’d prefer the slow poke, but I am conflicted. I did learn eventually to NEVER shop with my bloke. He was a menace in colesworth - filling up entire trolleys with stuff that caught his eye but nothing on the agreed upon list. He was also a ‘specials’ victim of the worst possible stripe. The incident of the 10 2 litre containers of vinegar still scars me to this day (But it was on special!).
We ended up with me doing the household staples and frozen stuff, and him doing the fresh food - separately. So I’d give him a vague list and tell him to come back with 5 kg (or whatever) of animal protein and 5 kg of fruit. He could choose what sort for each. We did have a productive veggie patch so we really only bought spuds & onions as staples. I think this satisfied his hunter/gatherer instincts better than an exact list. And enabled me to keep my temper better. And relieved the pressure on the pantry storage. And enabled me to keep better tabs on what was in the freezer and how much room was left for new stuff.
Hahaha. The vinegar 😂. I can relate. I might say I’ve run out of paper towel and he’ll come in with 5 packets because they were on special.
He also buys the fruit on his way home. I’ll ask for a capsicum and he’ll come in with a bag full because they were cheap and he doesn’t want to look like a tight arse buying just one.
I think Aldi is one place I do deviate more because Centre Asile of Dreams must be explored. And their frozen section tends to come up with something bizarre!
I will have a quick browse of the frozen section for some easy junk food. Tendies/Pies/Spanikopta/etc are all cheaper than take away and satisfy the same cravings.
Probably the quick octopus for the same reason as Bottom, but then I’d prefer not to have the extra expense (and inevitable junk food, if it was my kid). It’s a dilemma. Maybe send them both and you stay home and relax?
E: Although, it’s Aldi and the checkouts get frantic so it would be nice to have help with all that, and not have to return the trolley 🤔
I admit I like quick shop so much that I forget stuff sometimes which is just bad luck cos i ain’t going back. They both pick up the slack when that happens.
I went to Aldi with the kid other day and I compared the pair between her and her dad in the way they shop.
The man: He pushes the trolley so I can concentrate on my list. He is slow. He likes to look at everything. He says it’s because he doesn’t come that often. By the time I’ve reached the end he’s still sniffing and fondling the fruit. I have to walk back to the trolley constantly. He doesn’t forget anything. He browses quietly except for the odd “should we get this” or “didn’t you say we needed this”.
He scans. I pack. He loads everything in the car. Returns the trolley.
The kid: She pushes the trolley. She likes to look at everything. She’s quick but likes to point everything out. “Can I have this” “put it in” “can I have this” “put it in” “can I have this” “whatever”. Eventually she stops asking because I’m not even looking. I’m concentrating. I may have forgotten stuff. She costs me an extra $50.
She scans. I pack. I push the trolley to the car, load it and return the trolley.
Question: Which one would you prefer to shop with, the slow poke who does everything for you or the octopus who doesn’t hold you up?
Ps. They shop together quite often. I can see why it takes them so long to get back from buying ice cream.
I love them both, just different.
When I shop in person and have the list I don’t wander the aisles at all, just go straight to what I want then leave.
Tho I do love to browse somewhat at QVM. See new and unusual foods and check for quality and prices.
I must introduce you to My People
I think I’d prefer the slow poke, but I am conflicted. I did learn eventually to NEVER shop with my bloke. He was a menace in colesworth - filling up entire trolleys with stuff that caught his eye but nothing on the agreed upon list. He was also a ‘specials’ victim of the worst possible stripe. The incident of the 10 2 litre containers of vinegar still scars me to this day (But it was on special!).
We ended up with me doing the household staples and frozen stuff, and him doing the fresh food - separately. So I’d give him a vague list and tell him to come back with 5 kg (or whatever) of animal protein and 5 kg of fruit. He could choose what sort for each. We did have a productive veggie patch so we really only bought spuds & onions as staples. I think this satisfied his hunter/gatherer instincts better than an exact list. And enabled me to keep my temper better. And relieved the pressure on the pantry storage. And enabled me to keep better tabs on what was in the freezer and how much room was left for new stuff.
Hahaha. The vinegar 😂. I can relate. I might say I’ve run out of paper towel and he’ll come in with 5 packets because they were on special.
He also buys the fruit on his way home. I’ll ask for a capsicum and he’ll come in with a bag full because they were cheap and he doesn’t want to look like a tight arse buying just one.
I feel attacked in this thread haha
For me the quick octopus.
Can’t stand spending any more time in there than needed.
Quick, but alone preferably. At Aldi I hit up my list and rarely deviate.
I think Aldi is one place I do deviate more because Centre Asile of Dreams must be explored. And their frozen section tends to come up with something bizarre!
I will have a quick browse of the frozen section for some easy junk food. Tendies/Pies/Spanikopta/etc are all cheaper than take away and satisfy the same cravings.
Probably the quick octopus for the same reason as Bottom, but then I’d prefer not to have the extra expense (and inevitable junk food, if it was my kid). It’s a dilemma. Maybe send them both and you stay home and relax?
E: Although, it’s Aldi and the checkouts get frantic so it would be nice to have help with all that, and not have to return the trolley 🤔
I admit I like quick shop so much that I forget stuff sometimes which is just bad luck cos i ain’t going back. They both pick up the slack when that happens.
Slow poke, any day. I tend to do my shopping quickly and deliberately and am happy to be slowed down.
If I go shopping with someone else that goes quickly, we’re bound to miss half the list.
Don’t need to duplicate my own faults.