I luckily don’t have to do that haha, Mickey is just a wriggly boi!
But I did have to grab his legs like a hog-tie to stop him spreading them out hahaha couldn’t do it the way they teach at school, and I hate grabbing them by the scruff (it’s kinda okay when they’re very young kittens, but the older the cat the more strain it places on their neck when scruffed, causing damage and an angry, in-pain cat; there are better ways to do it).
Oh my god aren’t cats just masters of lightning-fast leg splits and finding every possible way to avoid getting into a carrier. One cat I looked after was veeeery wriggly - you needed two pairs of hands almost, to hog-tie her front paws and back paws and insert her into the carrier vertically. Otherwise it would take me 10 very exhausting minutes to get her in. It didn’t help that she was moderately fluffy so you didn’t always know where the cat started and ended and she used that to her advantage… even the cattery people had trouble with getting her into a carrier.
I did this by myself and basically did the same maneuver; shoved him in front paws and head first, and used that hand to throw the prepped towel over his head, then lowered his back half in - he was very displeased when we got home and I got a soft bite to my cheek for the audacity
Mickey’s vaccination all done and caught up. Poor puss hates the carrier, but hates the vet more haha
How are you feeling from the gastro?
Tired AF, amongst all the other T H I N G S I’ve been dealing with.
Currently just waiting for someone’s (trauma) but soon, later today, I will study
Was there yowling on the tram?
Indeed there was! I actually had a lovely convo with a man about cats haha
I have to drug Gibson before taking her to the vet lol. She’s so funny when she’s high 🤣
Hope you feel better soon!
I luckily don’t have to do that haha, Mickey is just a wriggly boi!
But I did have to grab his legs like a hog-tie to stop him spreading them out hahaha couldn’t do it the way they teach at school, and I hate grabbing them by the scruff (it’s kinda okay when they’re very young kittens, but the older the cat the more strain it places on their neck when scruffed, causing damage and an angry, in-pain cat; there are better ways to do it).
Oh my god aren’t cats just masters of lightning-fast leg splits and finding every possible way to avoid getting into a carrier. One cat I looked after was veeeery wriggly - you needed two pairs of hands almost, to hog-tie her front paws and back paws and insert her into the carrier vertically. Otherwise it would take me 10 very exhausting minutes to get her in. It didn’t help that she was moderately fluffy so you didn’t always know where the cat started and ended and she used that to her advantage… even the cattery people had trouble with getting her into a carrier.
Omg 😂😂 that’s so funny the poor cat hahahah
I did this by myself and basically did the same maneuver; shoved him in front paws and head first, and used that hand to throw the prepped towel over his head, then lowered his back half in - he was very displeased when we got home and I got a soft bite to my cheek for the audacity