• oztrin
    2 months ago

    IRL cakeday.

    Getting to work was crazy today - I somehow hit the link on my work app for the second client instead of the first, and only discovered the mistake when I was almost there - partly because a friend phoned to wish me happy birthday and proceeded to grizzle about how she’d lost something she’d bought yesterday at her local shopping centre. So has to phone the office and tell them to tell the client I’d be late. At least, given their recent track record, they were… reasonable.

    Both clients treated me very well - part of the reason I agreed to work today - and the (other) papou gave me four frozen meals from Greek meals on wheels that his wife hadn’t liked, so score. But I think next year I’ll take the day off.

    Anyway I got the notification that my click and collect from Kmart was ready so I went to pick it up and of course was behind someone who was having trouble with his order and had to return half the store. Finally got out of there and got a bahn mi and some cakey things from my favourite local bakery, as well as a bottle of pear cider.

    Now relaxing with the cats after a shower, and planning on ordering whatever looks appealing from Menulog.