Back in the 70s, a bloke named Len Evans was a notable wine expert. Consulted all over the world for his fine palate yada yada. A snobby USA reporter asked him what he kept in his cellar - expecting a list of fine vintages. Len (bless him!) replied 'Oh I don’t keep a cellar - all the cardboard boxes went soggy".
Seriously, our cask wine just outperforms all other countries on the cheap but good standard. Do not, I beg you, drink cheap wine in France. It’s called vin du table because it’s made from real tables. Of the chipboard variety.
I believe cask wine was invented (the cask part) in SA, so it’d make sense we’re quite good at it!
I don’t really want the pressure to drink the whole bottle in a few days. Sometimes that’s easy, sometimes I go ages without a drink. 4 litres on tap, that’s cold whenever you want, is super convenient.
Nah, the proper destination of the interior of a wine cask is WINE CASK FOOTY!!! Only to be played by seriously pissed people at a bbq or by anyone hiking in the wilderness. Wonderful fun for all ages.
I have recently discovered wine in a box, and it may be super daggy but it’s very convenient.
Back in the 70s, a bloke named Len Evans was a notable wine expert. Consulted all over the world for his fine palate yada yada. A snobby USA reporter asked him what he kept in his cellar - expecting a list of fine vintages. Len (bless him!) replied 'Oh I don’t keep a cellar - all the cardboard boxes went soggy".
Seriously, our cask wine just outperforms all other countries on the cheap but good standard. Do not, I beg you, drink cheap wine in France. It’s called vin du table because it’s made from real tables. Of the chipboard variety.
I believe cask wine was invented (the cask part) in SA, so it’d make sense we’re quite good at it!
I don’t really want the pressure to drink the whole bottle in a few days. Sometimes that’s easy, sometimes I go ages without a drink. 4 litres on tap, that’s cold whenever you want, is super convenient.
Indeed it is.
That got a really good Friday chuckle out of me. Never stop, o Witch of Thornbury!
Fruity lexia or Coolabah?
Pinot Grigio, but it’s on the fruitier end of that spectrum. Goes all right with my gourmet dinner of hummus and savoys.
Noice. Keep the pillow for some aussie decor.
Nah, the proper destination of the interior of a wine cask is WINE CASK FOOTY!!! Only to be played by seriously pissed people at a bbq or by anyone hiking in the wilderness. Wonderful fun for all ages.
Nah no good as a footy. Good for a weary guest leftover from a great party who needs a good night’s rest.