Back in the 70s, a bloke named Len Evans was a notable wine expert. Consulted all over the world for his fine palate yada yada. A snobby USA reporter asked him what he kept in his cellar - expecting a list of fine vintages. Len (bless him!) replied 'Oh I don’t keep a cellar - all the cardboard boxes went soggy".
Seriously, our cask wine just outperforms all other countries on the cheap but good standard. Do not, I beg you, drink cheap wine in France. It’s called vin du table because it’s made from real tables. Of the chipboard variety.
I believe cask wine was invented (the cask part) in SA, so it’d make sense we’re quite good at it!
I don’t really want the pressure to drink the whole bottle in a few days. Sometimes that’s easy, sometimes I go ages without a drink. 4 litres on tap, that’s cold whenever you want, is super convenient.
Back in the 70s, a bloke named Len Evans was a notable wine expert. Consulted all over the world for his fine palate yada yada. A snobby USA reporter asked him what he kept in his cellar - expecting a list of fine vintages. Len (bless him!) replied 'Oh I don’t keep a cellar - all the cardboard boxes went soggy".
Seriously, our cask wine just outperforms all other countries on the cheap but good standard. Do not, I beg you, drink cheap wine in France. It’s called vin du table because it’s made from real tables. Of the chipboard variety.
I believe cask wine was invented (the cask part) in SA, so it’d make sense we’re quite good at it!
I don’t really want the pressure to drink the whole bottle in a few days. Sometimes that’s easy, sometimes I go ages without a drink. 4 litres on tap, that’s cold whenever you want, is super convenient.
Indeed it is.
That got a really good Friday chuckle out of me. Never stop, o Witch of Thornbury!