Okay. I realistically wouldn’t escape or survive long.
I don’t have a strong physical constitution and if not caught right away would die very quickly of bad water, injury or exposure. But to not be defeatist I would absolutely bring a few things if possible. Any of these.
A can opener. Possibly multiple for barter, a group, or in case one breaks. You can apparently rub cans on a rough surface to wear off the lid but I don’t know how and that risks losing the precious contents.
A knife or a hatchet. For splitting or shaving wood as kindling, self defence, hunting and skinning small game, cutting rope
Lighter, matches, fire rod, anything
Soap. Bad handwashing hygiene and dirty wounds will kill you. I also don’t know how to make the soap… especially in the wild with limited ingredients (I’d try lye from drain cleaner but apparently that’s not good) and limited ability to remember or measure proper ratios.
Salt. Whether it be maintaining electrolytes while vomiting from bad water, rinsing wounds, or preserving food or skins. You want this.
Honey or sugar. Can be mixed with salt for homemade electrolytes or used for infected wounds in the absence of antibiotics. Good for shock.
A container for storing, transporting and treating water. Probably one of the top things.
Needle and thread. Tent repair, making improvised clothing, stitching wounds. Possibly some rags.
Iodine for first aid and water purification.
Isopropyl alcohol, methylated spirits, or any alcohol over 70%. For killing viruses on surfaces, disinfecting skin and medical tools, or as an emergency/smokeless source of fuel. (With a rag wick or soaked into charcoal inside a tin.)
A cooking pot. Cans may be used but there are so many reasons you will need to boil water.
Oil or lard for precious calories. Or to help waterproof shelter or clothing.
A solar charger to keep phone on for as long as internet and phone signal infrastructure stays up. Or even better one of those radios that run off hand cranking. Even better if it’s also a battery and a light, but you want to be able to pick up emergency transmissions or other survivors.
Rope. For tourniquets, holding up a tarp between trees or as a makeshift hammock to keep your body off the cold wet ground, tie yourself into a tree to sleep, or suspending food supplies out of reach of some animals.
A tarp, mat, cardboard, anything to stop cold and damp leaching into your body.
A camping shovel to dispose of waste to avoid contaminating water sources. Also to make a burrow for temporary shelter or concealment.
If possible multivitamins or even just vitamin c. Or forage lemons. Living off canned and dry foods can result in deficiencies which lead to scurvy, lower immune system, or delayed wound healing. In extreme cases vitamin c deficiency can lead to old scars reopening and vitamin b deficiency can result in neuropathic issues and beri beri. These vitamins are water soluble so must be replenished regularly.
A compass? Or star chart? But tbh I don’t know how to navigate. The best I could do is use a compass or remember the direction of the sun to return a short distance to camp. And I would not be risking going far
I think supermarkets would be wiped out very quickly by panic buying. But all the stuff does not dissapearing just because people become zombies - I’d expect raiding empty houses to be the way to go.
I think the things that would be in short supply are primarily fresh foods. Probably heading to an area with market gardens and orchards would be the best bet. Without the farmers there would not be much reliable harvest, but there should be a decent amount of self-seeded vegetables and fruit to pick, plus all of the requirements to create an area to grow more.
I saw public fruit tree foraging maps online and even posted them in the other place. Good luck remembering where without a physical map and making it safely that far tho. And carrying it home.
I’d try to make vertical gardens with the highest yielding stuff possible back at the base but subsistence farming is incredibly hard.
It would be smart to maintain the smaller high turnover animals or keep them alive for eggs but if you couldn’t manage the care of large or aggressive ones like cattle you could kill and dry the meat. Maybe keep a couple of cows for milk. Living cared for animals would give away your presence though.
Farms might also have rainwater tanks and stores of medical supplies and antibiotics
Of course but a lot of the perishable food will spoil, a lot will be taken by competing groups, and each time going out for supplies or into an enclosed building is a risk
I live near the Cat William Adams depot in Clayton. I’ll bring a mud carter with a 30t excavator. I’ll then head to the savemore supermarket storage warehouse with my plex server. Fuck dem zombies.
I have freshly shopped, so currently have a full 24 pack of toilet paper. So I can contribute it to the DT survival stash or trade it for guns. We can take vote.
We need either the helicopter or an experienced base jumper then. Lure all the zombies into the skyscraper and then burn them out, flying/jumping to safety yourself.
I will bring my expertise in rootin’ tootin’ & shootin’. If all else fails, will serve up massive quantities of crumbed brains fricasee. Which should weigh them down long enough to dispatch them humanely. Zombies can’t survive that.
I am actually quite a good shot. With both rifle and pistol. My dad reckoned this was an essential survival skill so all of us kids got thorough training starting at about 9 years old. Said training also included a LOT of training on when NOT to shoot as well as the how of it all. My late bloke had an impressive gun collection, which I maintained. Got rid of most of it during one of the amnesties but kept the good stuff (properly kept in a safe and properly registered). Bring on dem zombies - they ain’t got no chance against me. Helped along by the fact that I discovered in my late 30s that I actually have very very good reflexes - top 3% of the population. I coulda been a jet fighter pilot had that come my way when I was younger. Still, that’s in the family DNA so maybe I can recruit some of my near kin to help out with the zombies.
My family had guns for hunting when I was young and I was once or twice allowed to shoot a shotgun into the ground. I assisted by scraping a few of the rabbit hides for curing. But that’s the extent of my experience.
When I went to the range accompanying a friend I used the bench mounted precision guns with tiny bores. I took a long time aiming which is how I got good results. (Nearsighted.)
I don’t have any experience in loading, breaking the gun open, cleaning, or maintenance. Any ‘masculine’ skills I just wasn’t taught and had to try and pick up myself later in life.
I do have some very limited experience with metalwork so could potentially smelt down soft scrap metal for small pellets like (idk) birdshot, but wouldn’t know how to recast bullets or pack them with powder. I would not know how to make the soft point bullets required for larger game. I don’t know how to make proper bullets.
I also don’t know how I’d handle shooting under pressure, or manage the weight or recoil. Bigger guns kick back.
Also I no longer eat meat and at this point might even be unable to digest it.
Also I think the bullets need moulds to cast them. You could try with impressions in sand but that won’t give you the ones with cavities you can pack to ignite. Ignition caps. The stuff what makes them fire
I have a wide variety of rudimentary skills that could be good for homesteading and foraging once shelter is found. But tbh I have no idea where to go and probably would die or be killed in the initial stage.
Based on my health and physical ability I might not live long enough to start a garden, set up solar from scavenged parts, or improvise garments for warmth.
Also my cat is coming with me. If she escapes I will 100% die trying to retrieve her
If I survive long term I’m trying to trap rabbits and if possible breed them in an enclosure. We need to add fat or oil though as it’s a lean meat and you can starve on rabbit.
I can possibly skin and gut (and have scraped the hides) but can’t bear to kill.
A chicken tractor from scavenged materials might do but foxes will most likely get them without a proper secure cage. Even then they can dig under.
Pigeons are another source of meat and can be let out to forage for themselves during the day reducing food needs. I can pluck but could not bear to kill.
Dandelion greens may offer vitamin c but they have to be clean and safe to eat.
We then have no escape if the building is breached, and if there’s a problem with the helicopter or the fuel eventually runs out we’re treed. Also helicopters have a limited capacity and make a lot of noise
The zombie outbreak begins and the DT bands together to survive. Where will we go.? What will we bring?
Okay. I realistically wouldn’t escape or survive long.
I don’t have a strong physical constitution and if not caught right away would die very quickly of bad water, injury or exposure. But to not be defeatist I would absolutely bring a few things if possible. Any of these.
You’re coming with me. Bring the warmest clothes you have.
I’m disabled homie, I’ll be dead in the initial surge or shortly after
you are a valuable source of knowledge and skill
we will look after you 🙂
I’m kinda difficult to keep sane and alive tbh
GOOD SHOES, always wear comfortable shoes for walking and running
wouldn’t it be easier to just raid supermarkets?
I think supermarkets would be wiped out very quickly by panic buying. But all the stuff does not dissapearing just because people become zombies - I’d expect raiding empty houses to be the way to go.
I think the things that would be in short supply are primarily fresh foods. Probably heading to an area with market gardens and orchards would be the best bet. Without the farmers there would not be much reliable harvest, but there should be a decent amount of self-seeded vegetables and fruit to pick, plus all of the requirements to create an area to grow more.
I saw public fruit tree foraging maps online and even posted them in the other place. Good luck remembering where without a physical map and making it safely that far tho. And carrying it home.
I’d try to make vertical gardens with the highest yielding stuff possible back at the base but subsistence farming is incredibly hard.
It would be smart to maintain the smaller high turnover animals or keep them alive for eggs but if you couldn’t manage the care of large or aggressive ones like cattle you could kill and dry the meat. Maybe keep a couple of cows for milk. Living cared for animals would give away your presence though.
Farms might also have rainwater tanks and stores of medical supplies and antibiotics
Of course but a lot of the perishable food will spoil, a lot will be taken by competing groups, and each time going out for supplies or into an enclosed building is a risk
I live near the Cat William Adams depot in Clayton. I’ll bring a mud carter with a 30t excavator. I’ll then head to the savemore supermarket storage warehouse with my plex server. Fuck dem zombies.
I’ve never used a chainsaw in my life but by God I’ll learn
And my axe!
My place, lasagna.
I vote your place because of the excellent garden setup and friendly locals. and chillos to go out with a bang.
I have freshly shopped, so currently have a full 24 pack of toilet paper. So I can contribute it to the DT survival stash or trade it for guns. We can take vote.
MVP ^^^
I think about this WAY too often. Seagoon’s already nailed my suggestion of a skyscraper.
But for funsies, let’s face it, I’ll be the one bringing the wine!
You need to avoid high concentrations of people. A skyscraper is not ideal.
Plus you’ve got that “fire lookout tower in the forest” problem: if they decide they’re gonna burn you out you’re screwed.
We need either the helicopter or an experienced base jumper then. Lure all the zombies into the skyscraper and then burn them out, flying/jumping to safety yourself.
I will bring my expertise in rootin’ tootin’ & shootin’. If all else fails, will serve up massive quantities of crumbed brains fricasee. Which should weigh them down long enough to dispatch them humanely. Zombies can’t survive that.
Well we could use some rootin and shootin so that’s ok.
I got dragged to a shooting club once and based off that beginners luck might not be bad as a sniper.
Zombies are terrifying though. It depends if my nerve holds
I am actually quite a good shot. With both rifle and pistol. My dad reckoned this was an essential survival skill so all of us kids got thorough training starting at about 9 years old. Said training also included a LOT of training on when NOT to shoot as well as the how of it all. My late bloke had an impressive gun collection, which I maintained. Got rid of most of it during one of the amnesties but kept the good stuff (properly kept in a safe and properly registered). Bring on dem zombies - they ain’t got no chance against me. Helped along by the fact that I discovered in my late 30s that I actually have very very good reflexes - top 3% of the population. I coulda been a jet fighter pilot had that come my way when I was younger. Still, that’s in the family DNA so maybe I can recruit some of my near kin to help out with the zombies.
My family had guns for hunting when I was young and I was once or twice allowed to shoot a shotgun into the ground. I assisted by scraping a few of the rabbit hides for curing. But that’s the extent of my experience.
When I went to the range accompanying a friend I used the bench mounted precision guns with tiny bores. I took a long time aiming which is how I got good results. (Nearsighted.)
I don’t have any experience in loading, breaking the gun open, cleaning, or maintenance. Any ‘masculine’ skills I just wasn’t taught and had to try and pick up myself later in life.
I do have some very limited experience with metalwork so could potentially smelt down soft scrap metal for small pellets like (idk) birdshot, but wouldn’t know how to recast bullets or pack them with powder. I would not know how to make the soft point bullets required for larger game. I don’t know how to make proper bullets.
I also don’t know how I’d handle shooting under pressure, or manage the weight or recoil. Bigger guns kick back.
Also I no longer eat meat and at this point might even be unable to digest it.
you will find all you need to know in dead tree books in libraries
Books heavy, necessary skills outdated
Also I think the bullets need moulds to cast them. You could try with impressions in sand but that won’t give you the ones with cavities you can pack to ignite. Ignition caps. The stuff what makes them fire
I have a wide variety of rudimentary skills that could be good for homesteading and foraging once shelter is found. But tbh I have no idea where to go and probably would die or be killed in the initial stage.
Based on my health and physical ability I might not live long enough to start a garden, set up solar from scavenged parts, or improvise garments for warmth.
Also my cat is coming with me. If she escapes I will 100% die trying to retrieve her
If I survive long term I’m trying to trap rabbits and if possible breed them in an enclosure. We need to add fat or oil though as it’s a lean meat and you can starve on rabbit.
I can possibly skin and gut (and have scraped the hides) but can’t bear to kill.
A chicken tractor from scavenged materials might do but foxes will most likely get them without a proper secure cage. Even then they can dig under.
Pigeons are another source of meat and can be let out to forage for themselves during the day reducing food needs. I can pluck but could not bear to kill.
Dandelion greens may offer vitamin c but they have to be clean and safe to eat.
It would be very smart to know about bush tucker
I suggest a skyscraper , get one with a helipad and bring a helicopter and lots of fuel
block. barricade the stair wells and lift shafts
we all bring lots of food, weapons , meds and other supplies and wait it out
We then have no escape if the building is breached, and if there’s a problem with the helicopter or the fuel eventually runs out we’re treed. Also helicopters have a limited capacity and make a lot of noise
bring a helicopter?