Take it easy and (insert annoying aunty voice) make sure you drink enough water!
Hope it’s not the dexies doing it, if the headache keeps coming back maybe talk to your GP. Or maybe it’s covid? My main covid symptom was a headache, never had much of a throat problem…
May the satisfaction of getting some cleaning done lift your spirits a bit
I stand corrected. Headache is back.
Still going to clean the kitchen and maybe the bathroom if possible.
No more gym till after the interview Tuesday.
I would avoid smelly cleaning chemicals and bending over too much. But as a chronic migraine sufferer, productive slow pottering can be good.
Take it easy and (insert annoying aunty voice) make sure you drink enough water!
Hope it’s not the dexies doing it, if the headache keeps coming back maybe talk to your GP. Or maybe it’s covid? My main covid symptom was a headache, never had much of a throat problem…
May the satisfaction of getting some cleaning done lift your spirits a bit
Heat pack on the neck could help. If it’s randomly coming and going could well be muscle related.
oh no, take it easy, have cups of tea and toast