I’m doing my best not tell this kid to go to fucking sleep. His mums already tapped out, the dogs are snoring, and I’m bored as shit cause I don’t wanna turn the tv on and distract him.
You know all those story books you read to him before he was born? Well now is the time to dig deep into the memory bank and get creative. As long as it’s in a soft voice who cares what you say. Once upon a time there was a troll who lived under the bridge who ate small children who didn’t go to sleep… blah blah blah
I’m doing my best not tell this kid to go to fucking sleep. His mums already tapped out, the dogs are snoring, and I’m bored as shit cause I don’t wanna turn the tv on and distract him.
You know all those story books you read to him before he was born? Well now is the time to dig deep into the memory bank and get creative. As long as it’s in a soft voice who cares what you say. Once upon a time there was a troll who lived under the bridge who ate small children who didn’t go to sleep… blah blah blah
My go to was lyrics to songs. Mostly Tom Waits.
I used to do sing wishlist to my daughter and she still gets shivers when she hears it
Whack on an audiobook or ASMR, possibly snooze off beside him?
radio and baby in my arms, both falling asleep
I used to play video games with my kids falling asleep on my my chest.
Skyrim on telly, baby in my lap.
I finished Horizon Forbidden west like that. Sadly, he doesnt wanna be held to fall asleep any more.