Due to the warm weather, I have designated today as ‘beach day’
There will be boogy boarding, sunbaking (with SPF 50 protection), reading in the sun, fish and chips on the way home and of course, inevitably putting on aloe vera lotion
Laundry day and pre-inspection cleanup for me, sheets now, then towels, then clothes once I’ve vacuumed and mopped the house, cleaned the stove, and cleaned the shower.
Due to the warm weather, I have designated today as ‘beach day’
There will be boogy boarding, sunbaking (with SPF 50 protection), reading in the sun, fish and chips on the way home and of course, inevitably putting on aloe vera lotion
Where’s that at? We ended up at Moggs creek
Ocean Grove. It’s amazingly nice this time of year.
I love the entire area. You’re lucky
I was just thinking a beach day would be amazing! Have loads of fun!
Nice. For me it’s necessary housework day
Laundry day and pre-inspection cleanup for me, sheets now, then towels, then clothes once I’ve vacuumed and mopped the house, cleaned the stove, and cleaned the shower.
We did…there was a near drowning but all good. Got to meet Patrick Dangerfield who was assisting the victims family.
Dude is a gem