I ended up in a major fight with my overlocker this morning, but I am one step closer to finishing my project to shorten the sleeves on my work jacket. I was so agravated by the process of rethreading a broken lower looper I had to take a break in order to maintain my sanity.
Once that is out of the way I get to start on the cushions. Hopefully Miss Meow won’t try to help too much.
Edit: sleeves have now been shortened. Miss Meow has thoroughly examined the sewing room, and after unexpectedly falling into a box she expected to be landing on top of she has decided to shun the area for a while.
After many years of being frustrated at both mine and my mother’s overlocker I have discovered that if you need to rethread one thread, you need to do them all at the same time. Don’t ask why, it makes no sense to me!
I got a Singer tiny serger off eBay years ago. It doesn’t have the built in cutter - you have to trim things first. But it was more affordable and takes less space than a full sized overlocker.
Edit: They seem to be much more expensive and less available now but maybe there are still mini alternatives
I ended up in a major fight with my overlocker this morning, but I am one step closer to finishing my project to shorten the sleeves on my work jacket. I was so agravated by the process of rethreading a broken lower looper I had to take a break in order to maintain my sanity.
Once that is out of the way I get to start on the cushions. Hopefully Miss Meow won’t try to help too much.
Edit: sleeves have now been shortened. Miss Meow has thoroughly examined the sewing room, and after unexpectedly falling into a box she expected to be landing on top of she has decided to shun the area for a while.
After many years of being frustrated at both mine and my mother’s overlocker I have discovered that if you need to rethread one thread, you need to do them all at the same time. Don’t ask why, it makes no sense to me!
seriously, I would love an overlocker, I reckon me and miss seagoon would get so much use out of it even if to just mend clothes
I got a Singer tiny serger off eBay years ago. It doesn’t have the built in cutter - you have to trim things first. But it was more affordable and takes less space than a full sized overlocker.
Edit: They seem to be much more expensive and less available now but maybe there are still mini alternatives
They can be great, but you can do pretty much everything with a normal sewing machine too.
Aldi have them occasionally and they’re not bad.
I reckon an overlocker could get nasty in a fight. I’m glad you didn’t get your face overlocked.
the big danger is getting one’s fingernail sewn
it’s surprising how deep that needle can get
The overlocker has two needles for extra danger.
nice 👍👍