I got a Singer tiny serger off eBay years ago. It doesn’t have the built in cutter - you have to trim things first. But it was more affordable and takes less space than a full sized overlocker.
Edit: They seem to be much more expensive and less available now but maybe there are still mini alternatives
seriously, I would love an overlocker, I reckon me and miss seagoon would get so much use out of it even if to just mend clothes
I got a Singer tiny serger off eBay years ago. It doesn’t have the built in cutter - you have to trim things first. But it was more affordable and takes less space than a full sized overlocker.
Edit: They seem to be much more expensive and less available now but maybe there are still mini alternatives
They can be great, but you can do pretty much everything with a normal sewing machine too.
Aldi have them occasionally and they’re not bad.