Because new stationery is always what will inspire you to change your life and get organised. And then you don’t use it, so you buy more, because this time it will work.
I think most of it is for reasons that no longer apply now that we tend to do everything on computers. Also a bunch of stuff from when I was selling a lot more on eBay. I think the chances of me using three full boxes of address labels in my lifetiime are now fairly slim.
pretty sure youse guys are beginners. I have two ikea cubes of calligraphy paper, one box of art paper, about ten big scrolls of paper and then a box of normal stationery/note pads. I have a box of inks and paints.
Why do I have so much stationery?
Because new stationery is always what will inspire you to change your life and get organised. And then you don’t use it, so you buy more, because this time it will work.
Plus it’s pretty.
too pretty to write in. Better buy another one. Ooh look, this one’s pretty…
Because stationery is love.
I took (as a souvenir) a whole bunch of stationery when I quit my last job, I have so much.
I took all the bic 4-pens from the “lost pens box” when I quit a job. About twenty of them. I’m down to my last few.
I still have a few branded pens kicking around from a job I left in 2012. I grabbed quite a few on the way out.
Because each piece of stationery is for different reasons which you will get around to one day.
I think most of it is for reasons that no longer apply now that we tend to do everything on computers. Also a bunch of stuff from when I was selling a lot more on eBay. I think the chances of me using three full boxes of address labels in my lifetiime are now fairly slim.
Paper airplane squadron wooo!
Maybe I can experiment with all the different thicknesses of paper I have to see which flies best.
pretty sure youse guys are beginners. I have two ikea cubes of calligraphy paper, one box of art paper, about ten big scrolls of paper and then a box of normal stationery/note pads. I have a box of inks and paints.
I have a drawer full, most of it random paper I’ve inherited and some cards that ‘might be useful one day.’ Mostly it’s silverfish food these days