I know it well. I would get gravid hyperthyroidism , which would fire off my nerves and then I would get angina like symptoms. Just nerves, nothing actually wrong. It was quite anxiety producing too as the nerves would also fire off anxiety centres of the brain.
we are nothing but wet electrical wires, sticks and pulleys
Have been bed bound with migraine all day. Just now getting up to have breakfast and a shower.
Crazy how a tiny bundle of nerves in my shoulder can absolutely ruin my life.
so many gentle hugs
Would you like a cup of tea and some toast?
Yes please 😞
a pillow and some soft music?
I currently have a pillow and purring cat who’s concerned why I haven’t moved most of the day ❤️
It’s not that tiny. The brachial plexus.
I know it well. I would get gravid hyperthyroidism , which would fire off my nerves and then I would get angina like symptoms. Just nerves, nothing actually wrong. It was quite anxiety producing too as the nerves would also fire off anxiety centres of the brain.
we are nothing but wet electrical wires, sticks and pulleys
and iron
The actual pain point feels like the circumference of a 5c coin.
But the impact is fucking crazy.
is migraine day for me too, and yesterday. i blame the moon.
Works for me! It’s finally subsiding but I’ve lost an entire day pretty much.
Hope you feel better soon.
Rest well!
Thanks mate :)