Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

    • RosaliePreistley
      1 year ago

      I’m not, but this was a continuation of my journey’s journal from the old dt. I like to publish to a small “normal” audience ie not preaching to the choir,. to gauge people’s response. I got bullied by pilk, which is fucking typical. shut up woman, you’re not entitled to point out how you’re feeling and then two people suggesting maybe I’m of behaving like a teenage girl, see where I’m going here? Hey, how can we be more understanding and totally condescending at the same time, woman. You’re irrational. Don’t do that, men are talking, I know this was raise ire, Bacon was trying to be nice and my response to him was nice. But I’m not a black and white copy of a trans women in early transition. But people will use this whole exchange of an example of how trans girls and women just complain. So fuck it. I’ll go before I really waste time getting worked up over things which aren’t worth it. Taleya got shitty with me, (now blocked) and suggested in a pm, maybe what I’m going through is fucking with my head a bit. it’s the complete opposite and the whole affair could have been ignored honestly . this is hardly my safe space or some haven, it’s been quite ok, but the shine is off, people are behaving exactly like they did on reddit, all fucking talk and then brigading when called out for it. YOU on the other hand, have been nothing but aweseome. I like to write, but losing a space to journal is not a big deal at all. I’m kind of happy to be moving on. While it’s sort of ok here, it’s just another online forum with people from different walks of life. I’ll find somewhere else. Thanks Seagoon, from way back you’ve been a gem <3

      • StudSpud The Starchy
        1 year ago

        Sorry Hongo, you have not been brigaded. You have lost your shit over one person downvoting you; I concede it may be bc you post Trans related stuff but I have been downvoted for posting about getting rawdogged, my poems have been downvoted… it’s Lemmy, the votes here mean even less than they did on Reddit. I understand that to you it feels targeted and part of the systematic discrimination you face on the daily. Pilk was not bullying you, he was pointing out the hypocrisy of your post admonishing us bc you only got insanely upvoted but no comments. Taleya is right; no one is going to virtue signal, you received a metric fuckton of upvotes bc we support you.

        Idk what you expected. We’re not transphobes.

        But you’re giving me the ick bc you’re acting like we owe you all of our time and energy just because you’re trans and marginalised. No.

        You’re acting exactly like my ex. Go touch grass.

        • RosaliePreistley
          1 year ago

          Someone went through and downvoted all my comments. Like way way back, after my letter to you all suggesting ways to help. Fuck your ex, seriously, what they did is awful. But I’m nothing like them and as it turns out nothing like many of you either. How I feel may not be anyone else’s reality, but I should be able to express it. I should of course also accept the consequences for misunderstandings I cause and I have. I’m done. I’m copying my journals and fucking off. It’s been mostly nice so no regrets. We’re never all going to get along. I’m really sorry I reminded you of your ex though, that’s fallen way below your expectations and I wish I could take that back somehow, but I can’t. ciao bella and all the very best with your hunting for work and life in general.

          • StudSpud The Starchy
            1 year ago

            You remind me of my ex because you talk past all of our points, argue with a strawman, and assume we are all bigoted dicks. We just don’t like being attacked for no fucking reason.

            You talk about these rights like we aren’t allies, or don’t support you, and that you must convince us your cause is the only cause to support.

            We are already on your side, you were preaching to the choir. You get upvoted to the point that ONE downvote per post means less than nothing. But you have one hater, and have discovered that being Trans doesn’t inherently and automatically make you a good person. You martyred yourself, we didn’t and are not pushing you out of here. You are making that decision.

            If you don’t want to read what we wrote, and have some introspection about your behaviour and how you treat us, then go. I, personally, have been nothing but supportive of you. I have seen other DTers be nothing but the same. You threw that in our faces and expect us to grovel at your feet for your forgiveness.

            I upset at this whole fiasco, because I believe in you and your journey. I wish you well, Hongo, I hope you find happiness and peace.

      • Taleya
        1 year ago

        To be honest I’m starting to think the reactions you’re getting have nothing to do with being trans and everything to do with your behaviour.

          • Taleya
            1 year ago

            hey, internet is a slice of people, not the whole pie, and usually wildly outta char. You gotta cut that a lot of slack

            (edit: Also I have a developed brain and actually just walked away from this bs thread yesterday lol it was only the alert to my nick that made me see the wall of text attack fest this morning)