Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • StudSpud The Starchy
    1 year ago

    You remind me of my ex because you talk past all of our points, argue with a strawman, and assume we are all bigoted dicks. We just don’t like being attacked for no fucking reason.

    You talk about these rights like we aren’t allies, or don’t support you, and that you must convince us your cause is the only cause to support.

    We are already on your side, you were preaching to the choir. You get upvoted to the point that ONE downvote per post means less than nothing. But you have one hater, and have discovered that being Trans doesn’t inherently and automatically make you a good person. You martyred yourself, we didn’t and are not pushing you out of here. You are making that decision.

    If you don’t want to read what we wrote, and have some introspection about your behaviour and how you treat us, then go. I, personally, have been nothing but supportive of you. I have seen other DTers be nothing but the same. You threw that in our faces and expect us to grovel at your feet for your forgiveness.

    I upset at this whole fiasco, because I believe in you and your journey. I wish you well, Hongo, I hope you find happiness and peace.