After spending big money on the recent bike service they still didn’t fix the puncture I brought it in for. If I need to replace the tyres I’m going to get the very sensible Schwalbe Marathons instead of these temperamental and expensive racing tyres
After spending big money on the recent bike service
It’s a ripoff. I was shocked with my last one years ago (was $400 and I’m not even sure what they did). I just do it myself these days w/ the help of YT. Not for everyone but once you do it once it’s easy.
They replaced the chain and rear sprocket, which makes sense since I’ve been towing a trailer. Its more that I took it in to get a specific thing fixed and they didn’t do that, whilst charging me for everything else
I’ve been happy with my marathons. I used to get continental gatorskins but they dropped in quality - I tore through the side wall on three in a year. Plus the marathons have the reflective stripe, I’m big on cycling visibility.
After spending big money on the recent bike service they still didn’t fix the puncture I brought it in for. If I need to replace the tyres I’m going to get the very sensible Schwalbe Marathons instead of these temperamental and expensive racing tyres
It’s a ripoff. I was shocked with my last one years ago (was $400 and I’m not even sure what they did). I just do it myself these days w/ the help of YT. Not for everyone but once you do it once it’s easy.
I love YT for demonstration videos
They replaced the chain and rear sprocket, which makes sense since I’ve been towing a trailer. Its more that I took it in to get a specific thing fixed and they didn’t do that, whilst charging me for everything else
I’ve been happy with my marathons. I used to get continental gatorskins but they dropped in quality - I tore through the side wall on three in a year. Plus the marathons have the reflective stripe, I’m big on cycling visibility.
That’s what I want. Nice, simple tyres that just get the job done. I mostly use my bike for commuting so I don’t need fancy race tyres