It’s going to rain. Take a brolly.

  • PeelerSheila
    9 months ago

    I was supposed to go to a funeral today but when I got up this morning I just didn’t have it in me to go. Mr P was going so I said he could represent our family. I seem to be reaching some kind of depressing events threshold. They were all going out drinking afterwards at one of the shittier local hotels 😬 definitely count me out, would rather stay home than deal with drunken people today. Especially people who had already started squabbling about money barely a day after she died. I felt a bit guilty though, especially seeing as I’d taken the day off work to go, so I had a go at repairing the dishwasher and succeeded! Am kind of enjoying having a day off that’s not a public holiday.

    • Duenan
      9 months ago

      You do whatever you need to do in your own way to get through it.

      Everyone has different ways of handling and getting through things, you just do what best works for you.

      That’s what’s most important.