• Baku
    4 months ago
    more TW: vomitting

    Finally got into the hotel. Unfortunately when we were all of 5 minutes away (the train drops us off at Maryborough and coaches being us to Creswick) I threw up again. On the bus. Fortunately I brought rubbish bags from the train (they had no sick bags but did have rubbish bags), and I’d double bagged them before I got on the bus. I was doing alright, if nauseous, until we started going over pothole after fucking pothole.

    I don’t think I’m going to be up to taking the train back to the city tomorrow. The organisation that runs the lead tenant place has an after hours support line who could probably organise a lift for me and my worker back to Melbourne, but they might not get here until 2 or 3 in the morning or whenever someone is free. Or if I wait until 9 when the program coordinator starts, I can call her and she can arrange something. But I really don’t want to be on the train for another 12 hours while I can’t hold even a few sips.of water down, and I don’t have much faith that I’ll be better in the morning.

    Tomorrow’s the last day of the trip, so it’s kind of a conflict about whether I suffer through it for just 12 more hours and finish the trip, or go home and miss out and the last little bit of the trip. Really, I’ve seen all of the last leg before, so I won’t feel sad about missing anything, but at the same time there’s only 12 more hours of the train and then I can say I’ve done it in its entirety.

    • underwatermagpies
      4 months ago

      Being sick when you’re travelling is the worst. Don’t try to push through to complete your trip if you might be able to get home more comfortably, it’s not worth it. Try for the lift.

      Hang in there.

    • imoldgreeeg
      4 months ago

      That’s a tough one. Sometimes vomiting clears up after a day, but I couldn’t think of much more miserable then being on a train for 12 hours feeling like that.

      I would probably try to get some sleep and make a call early morning. If you are feeling crap then bail and call the program coordinator.

      I don’t know but maybe it’s worth talking to the after hours support person tonight - maybe they have some other advice.

      Hope you are feeling better tomorrow.

      • Baku
        4 months ago

        but I couldn’t think of much more miserable then being on a train for 12 hours feeling like that.

        Yeah. I was feeling nauseous from when I woke up at 5, although it only started getting really bad around 10/11. So it’s been an absolutely miserable day. Honestly I wanted to bail yesterday, but Mildura is way too far away to get a lift unless I was really really bad, but the only other way back was a packed night bus to Melbourne. I probably wouldn’t have been sick if I caught the night bus, but it would’ve still been pretty hellish. And if I was, people would’ve been a lot less understanding, plus the whole making other people sick thing.

        Just based on my past experiences with being sick, usually days 2 and 3 are the worst. The first day’s just tiring, the 2nd day is usually slightly worse than the 3rd though. I think I will just call the program coordinator in the morning, after hours won’t be able to do all too much except organise a lift tonight. But if I go home tomorrow, that’s one more day to get better before I have to meet the new kid (I don’t think throwing up every 2 hours from the moment I walk in the door is a great way to introduce myself)