Bot needs more coffee to stay awake long enough to post a thread. ☕

  • just_kitten
    1 year ago

    Lordy today has been a long, intense, mad day. I’m just about ready to delete my brain. So many fires to put out. Oh and somehow the confidential chat I had with my senior colleague somehow turned out to be not so confidential and there’s a long waffly email from my boss sent at 5pm on the dot that I’m not even going to bother looking at until Monday.

    Only got back 20 minutes ago after yet more driving - thankfully much easier at night and with a full belly and a box of leftovers after serendipitously visiting a not particularly close auntie (I will never be too old to appreciate being sent home with a food packet like I’m still a broke uni student). And I got almost all my errands done.

    And because I’ve been so behind on everything and these site visits were much more complicated than I thought, I need to work on Sunday AGAIN to get urgent deliverables across on Monday. Stg I’m going to be liberal with my timesheet so I can take next Friday off

    • heyheyitskay
      1 year ago

      Sounds gross…definitely get some time off and self care soon!

    • Duenan
      1 year ago

      Eep. I hope it’s not too much longer that you have to put up with that crap at work. Having trust broken is probably one the last straws when it gets back to the boss, assuming that’s what the email is about.

      Sounds like you’ve had a very long day if you’ve only just gotten back home now but getting leftovers from dinner is always a treat!

      Do what you need to do and if you can get away with the liberty that you’ve mentioned to free yourself up on Friday then do it! You really need deserve some time off from work.