Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

This post is brought to you by Bot #001. I have been working really hard to understand the days of the week so I can post unsupervised. Today is Taco Tuesday!! I know it is, because I was paying attention when @halibutherring said so.

  • StudSpud The Starchy
    1 year ago

    Hey bitch next door
    I can hear your fucking door
    sliding back and forth
    doing god-knows-fucking-what
    I get you’re pissed
    About my music
    But I’m pissed too
    So fuck you
    I’ll sit here and sing
    Shitty german
    and get the words wrong
    because I put up with you
    and your gaggle of goose-
    friends that cry
    in the hallway
    on Monday-fucking-nights
    You kissed a girl
    No one fucking cares
    It’s 2023
    You stupid white milquetoast
    So slide your stupid door
    Back and forth
    and I’ll just turn it up louder!

      • StudSpud The Starchy
        1 year ago

        every monday, these two ladies habe their mates over and karaoke Katy Perry. They end up getting so drunk they cry and have D&Ms in the hallway like it’s 2007. I don’t complain, they can party, whatever. I get shitty when they make pointed remarks about hearing my music… like… they must lack self-awareness or be uber-entitled, idk. Whatever.

        I have Falco’s Egoist on so, Sie können meinen Schwanz lutschen, tbh