What’s legal is not necessarily what’s moral, and there’s nothing immoral about freely procuring an infinitely replicable digital product. If anything, it’s immoral to enclose upon them and charge rents for them. No better than landlords, the big streaming companies, save for the fact that entertainment isn’t vital for living.
You think people renting out their property is immoral?
Correct. All wealth is the product of labor, therefore rent and profit are theft, and workers taking back a bit of the wealth stolen from them is good.
Jesus? No, Adam Smith actually. Yeah, it’s called the labor theory of value. I’m not sure why you think that’s a knee slapper. Never heard of it before? That’s like a creationist laughing because they haven’t heard of the theory of evolution before… in 2023.
This is one of those times where it’s not even worth bothering trying to argue. When your opinion and points are that bad there’s no getting through to you.
“When I realize I am trying to argue against a >century-old concept that I’ve never heard of before but has extensive literature written about it by many of the most world-renowned thinkers and scientists on socio-economics and that has had literal world-changing revolutions fought in large part because of it, I will still maintain my illusion that I’m not just an ignorant fool by pretending it’s actually the former that is ridiculous and not me.”
That’s fine by me, keep to your little bubble of ignorance. Kinda sad, though. Might I suggest reading a book some time?
Nobody is going to take you seriously when you say and believe things like this. Let me guess - you’re all for communism? Answer, don’t answer, I don’t care since you’re getting blocked now :)
Should have paid more attention to your username. “Pronouns in bio” is an instant nope.
Landlords are parasites that prey on the vulnerable and produce nothing of value. Corporations who own and profit from ”intellectual property” are no different.
the maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry
the maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry
I do think your position is super confusing, earlier in the thread you’re telling people to download stuff from Usenet, now you’re whining about ThEfT?
If you’re gonna profile stalk me to try and “gotcha” me with previous comments you’re gonna have to do better than that.
I’m not against piracy of tv shows/movies because as I said in other comments it’s essentially the most victimless theft you can do - but it’s still theft. You can do something and tell people to do it while still acknowledging that it’s wrong.
Gee I am shocked that you pulled the “yOuRe A tRaNsPhObE” card because I disagree with your stance. Shocked. Same old tactics from your kind every time. Can’t actually defend your position? No matter, just try and get the other person cancelled by shouting transphobe and telling lies!
Found the guy who would absolutely own slaves if it were still legal. (And then think he pwned the abolitionists by telling them they’re just jealous because they don’t own any people).
This moron who thinks a Marxist is “jealous” for not exploiting people thinks I’m delusional. e: And who also laughed because they don’t know what the labor theory of value is!
e: And as for the edit you added, yeah, there is a difference, but one of degree, not of kind. That was the point of the illustration by analogy genius.
I’m quite aware there’s some silly laws written by those same billionaire’s lobbies and passed by their politicians.
Copying something is quite obviously not stealing from someone.
But again, stealing back some of the wealth the billionaires have stolen from us is morally good. If you’re not stealing from them, you’re stealing from your family to support your family’s further deprivation.
And did you at any point ask yourself why they own these things? Why Netflix the corporate entity owns media it did not produce while stiffing the people that did out of just compensation? Or how that information slightly complicates the otherwise simple nature of property and theft?
The only mental gymnast here is you bud. The simple fact is, labor creates value, and Netflix has no part in that. I doubt they even put up any of their own capital in producing these shows.
Why they own these things? Because they paid for it.
How are Netflix stiffing people out of compensation? Netflix pays the rights holders for the right to stream the content.
On your last part you could not be more wrong. Netflix spent over $6 billion in 2021 on original content. Content they created. They pay for the streaming rights to everything that’s on Netflix up front - in 2021 they paid $11 billion to the rights holders of the content in order to stream it on their platform.
You’re trying to justify theft. You’re the one doing the mental gymnastics.
Welp, you’re free to keep giving your hard-earned money to Disney’s shareholders to compensate them for the hard work of owning property and pay for the privilege of watching ads.
It’s legally theft. You can try as much mental gymnastics as you want to try and convince yourself you’re not breaking the law, but you are.
It’s probably the most victimless theft that there is, but it’s still theft.
What’s legal is not necessarily what’s moral, and there’s nothing immoral about freely procuring an infinitely replicable digital product. If anything, it’s immoral to enclose upon them and charge rents for them. No better than landlords, the big streaming companies, save for the fact that entertainment isn’t vital for living.
There’s absolutely something immoral about stealing. If you don’t think there is then it just means your morals are out of whack.
You think people renting out their property is immoral? Yeah nah, your opinion on this is wrong.
Correct. All wealth is the product of labor, therefore rent and profit are theft, and workers taking back a bit of the wealth stolen from them is good.
Jesus Christ 😂
Jesus? No, Adam Smith actually. Yeah, it’s called the labor theory of value. I’m not sure why you think that’s a knee slapper.
Never heard of it before? That’s like a creationist laughing because they haven’t heard of the theory of evolution before… in 2023.
“Rent is theft”
“Profit is theft”
This is one of those times where it’s not even worth bothering trying to argue. When your opinion and points are that bad there’s no getting through to you.
“When I realize I am trying to argue against a >century-old concept that I’ve never heard of before but has extensive literature written about it by many of the most world-renowned thinkers and scientists on socio-economics and that has had literal world-changing revolutions fought in large part because of it, I will still maintain my illusion that I’m not just an ignorant fool by pretending it’s actually the former that is ridiculous and not me.”
That’s fine by me, keep to your little bubble of ignorance. Kinda sad, though. Might I suggest reading a book some time?
“Rent is theft”
“Profit is theft”
Nobody is going to take you seriously when you say and believe things like this. Let me guess - you’re all for communism? Answer, don’t answer, I don’t care since you’re getting blocked now :)
Should have paid more attention to your username. “Pronouns in bio” is an instant nope.
Landlords are parasites that prey on the vulnerable and produce nothing of value. Corporations who own and profit from ”intellectual property” are no different.
Found the guy who’s jealous he doesn’t have an investment property.
the maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry
the maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry
I do think your position is super confusing, earlier in the thread you’re telling people to download stuff from Usenet, now you’re whining about ThEfT?
edit: Surprise, you’re also a transphobic piece of shit.
If you’re gonna profile stalk me to try and “gotcha” me with previous comments you’re gonna have to do better than that.
I’m not against piracy of tv shows/movies because as I said in other comments it’s essentially the most victimless theft you can do - but it’s still theft. You can do something and tell people to do it while still acknowledging that it’s wrong.
Gee I am shocked that you pulled the “yOuRe A tRaNsPhObE” card because I disagree with your stance. Shocked. Same old tactics from your kind every time. Can’t actually defend your position? No matter, just try and get the other person cancelled by shouting transphobe and telling lies!
Found the guy who would absolutely own slaves if it were still legal. (And then think he pwned the abolitionists by telling them they’re just jealous because they don’t own any people).
😂 good lord you’re delusional. There’s a slight difference between thinking you can profit off your assets that are in demand, and owning slaves.
This moron who thinks a Marxist is “jealous” for not exploiting people thinks I’m delusional.
e: And who also laughed because they don’t know what the labor theory of value is! 
e: And as for the edit you added, yeah, there is a difference, but one of degree, not of kind. That was the point of the illustration by analogy genius.
You think using an asset you have to make money is theft 😂. Yes, you’re delusional.
Sovereignty was never ceded, you’re profiting off stolen Aboriginal land, you muppet.
🤣 oh boy. See ya.
And what precisely is the moral issue with stealing? Depriving someone of their personal property, which piracy is not.
I’m quite aware there’s some silly laws written by those same billionaire’s lobbies and passed by their politicians.
Copying something is quite obviously not stealing from someone.
But again, stealing back some of the wealth the billionaires have stolen from us is morally good. If you’re not stealing from them, you’re stealing from your family to support your family’s further deprivation.
It absolutely is stealing. You’re taking something that is not yours, something that someone else owns and charges money for.
Mental gymnastics.
And did you at any point ask yourself why they own these things? Why Netflix the corporate entity owns media it did not produce while stiffing the people that did out of just compensation? Or how that information slightly complicates the otherwise simple nature of property and theft?
The only mental gymnast here is you bud. The simple fact is, labor creates value, and Netflix has no part in that. I doubt they even put up any of their own capital in producing these shows.
I cant believe I’m seeing anyone here defending a corporation. What the hell??
I can’t believe I’m seeing anyone here straight up justifying theft. What the hell!?
God liberals are such losers. Lick those boots harder, weirdo
Scratch that, boot licking is pathetic. What a loser
Why they own these things? Because they paid for it.
How are Netflix stiffing people out of compensation? Netflix pays the rights holders for the right to stream the content.
On your last part you could not be more wrong. Netflix spent over $6 billion in 2021 on original content. Content they created. They pay for the streaming rights to everything that’s on Netflix up front - in 2021 they paid $11 billion to the rights holders of the content in order to stream it on their platform.
You’re trying to justify theft. You’re the one doing the mental gymnastics.
I think I see the confusion, you believe in private and intellectual property.
I see the problem - you’re delusional.
Welp, you’re free to keep giving your hard-earned money to Disney’s shareholders to compensate them for the hard work of owning property and pay for the privilege of watching ads.
Personally I don’t think I will.
You can assume I give Disney money. You’d be wrong though.
So you’re against any and all ownership of intellectual property?
Do you also agree with the writers/actors strike by any chance? Because those 2 things don’t go together.