YuccaMan [he/him]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 20th, 2022


  • And like the worst that comes their way is that they’re made to seem a tad bumbling and foolish at times. Which, no, it’s all their fault, all of it. The better ending would’ve been for the little girl to realize that Barbie herself isn’t a fascist, she’s just an unwilling arbiter of evil capitalists who sell a constrained, hobbling, heteronormative vision of femininity to women in order to make big bucks

  • I can’t remember if I’ve brought it up before now, but guys, my father died earlier this year, and I’m still having a hard time dealing with it. I feel like such shit about the way that I cared for him in the end. He didn’t have anybody else but me, and I feel like I was so inadequate. He was a mean old son of a bitch who did a tour during Vietnam and impregnated an 18 year old girl at age 59. He wasn’t a good man, and as much as old habits want me to say that I’m being dramatic when I tell you this, I don’t think it’s unfair to say that he emotionally and psychologically abused me for years. But he held me and loved me and drove me to school, took me to museums and helped me learn to read and to drive and to conduct myself in life. His retirement pay certainly helped me out of a few jams as well, I’m not too proud to admit that. He was my rock in a lot of ways, as much as he was a burden on me emotionally. Damn me, but I don’t blame him for any of it, and I just start weeping any time I dedicate more than a moment’s thought to the situation. I already lost my mom when I was 16, and now I’ve lost him too, and I’m not even out of my twenties. The whole thing just makes me deeply sad.

    You all aren’t my therapists, and I don’t expect sympathy, or even a response, I’m just drunk and emotional and needed to get that off my chest, and I thank you profusely for allowing me to do that.

  • Seriously, reading Andrew Roberts’ biography of him, I came away thinking Napoleon had genuinely lost his mind when I read his writings from the period. It’s been a while, but I recall that he harbored fevered fantasies of going rogue and installing himself as some kind of latter day pharoah or caliph in Egypt and creating some grand new society in his image. A movie about the Egyptian campaign would be entertaining as fuck.

  • I have more complaints about this movie than I feel would be polite to heap on people that I actually like, but for everyone’s sake, either avoid this movie in favor of Sergei Bondarchuk’s Waterloo, or if it’s too late for you, go watch it to get the taste out of your mouth. It’s free on youtube, and it’s pretty good quality.

    Rod Steiger’s performance as Napoleon is regarded as hit or miss, but I personally feel it gets across Napoleon’s charisma, mental acuity, and mercurial temper perfectly.

    And importantly, unlike Napoleon, which I felt was trying to be three different types of movie at once and ultimately had no real identity, Waterloo is very tightly focused, and also unlike Napoleon, is (for a film anyway) extremely well-researched and historically accurate.

    Then of course my favorite part, the sheer number of extras the production pulled together for the big battle. Napoleon’s battle scenes were a travesty, resembling not at all the actual history and being so much smaller in scope. Does anybody know if Scott used live extras for the battle scenes? I can’t be fucked to check. At any rate, Bondarchuk pulled in something like 15,000 people for the battle scenes, and the way they’re shot gives the impression of an honest to god Napoleonic army up on screen.

    Most importantly though, Waterloo is actually entertaining, which Napoleon was not. And if you ask me that’s the one unforgiveable sin for any movie. How can you fuck up making an actually entertaining movie about such a huge personality as Napoleon? I’m not even gonna get into the weird psychosexual stuff, or Letizia Bonaparte being turned into a creepier version of Barry Lyndon’s mom. Just go watch Waterloo, or Barry Lyndon, or anything else.

  • Even if you never manage to find the Archer, the game beats you over the head with the idea that the Moralintern not only stands for nothing, but is willing to resort to insidious tactics to stand up for that nothing. And even if you manage to never pick up on those hints, the few representatives of the Moralintern that you’re able to meet and speak with are parodies of your average dull-minded pro-austerity EU bureaucrats. I mean really, imagine declaring your full throated support for a parody of Mario Draghi, that the game openly mocks you for supporting sunday-friend

  • YuccaMan [he/him]@hexbear.nettomemes@hexbear.netSmalltalk
    9 months ago

    Lord only knows. Even in the moment I was trying to be empathetic though. I don’t recall the particulars, but I overheard her conversing with a guy she’d brought (she was in the row directly in front of us, which kinda made the whole thing worse lol) and it sounded like her life was pretty screwy. The poor thing probably has a hard time getting out.

    Oh hell yeah. I feel that anybody who feels strongly about it should support things like universal childcare, if not for the million and one reasons that that’s a good and proper thing to do, than at least because it demonstrates genuine principles to put your money where your mouth is.

  • YuccaMan [he/him]@hexbear.nettomemes@hexbear.netSmalltalk
    9 months ago

    I did, and I hated it. But my girlfriend had been looking forward to that particular movie for a minute, and I didn’t want her night to be ruined. I don’t know that I would’ve done so otherwise, I’m usually too non-confrontational to do anything aside from just tolerating it.

    At any rate, yeah, in situations like a shopping trip or any public place where quiet isn’t an expectation, I don’t really think it can be helped. Some kids are going to act up, it’s a pain in the ass, but it’s understandable, and most people really have no choice but to bring their kids everywhere. I’ll admit to grousing about it whenever I run into noisy kids in public, but I used to be just the same at their age. Probably worse. It’d be hypocritical of us to forget how annoying we used to be.