This is one of those times where it’s not even worth bothering trying to argue. When your opinion and points are that bad there’s no getting through to you.
“When I realize I am trying to argue against a >century-old concept that I’ve never heard of before but has extensive literature written about it by many of the most world-renowned thinkers and scientists on socio-economics and that has had literal world-changing revolutions fought in large part because of it, I will still maintain my illusion that I’m not just an ignorant fool by pretending it’s actually the former that is ridiculous and not me.”
That’s fine by me, keep to your little bubble of ignorance. Kinda sad, though. Might I suggest reading a book some time?
Nobody is going to take you seriously when you say and believe things like this. Let me guess - you’re all for communism? Answer, don’t answer, I don’t care since you’re getting blocked now :)
Should have paid more attention to your username. “Pronouns in bio” is an instant nope.
“Rent is theft”
“Profit is theft”
This is one of those times where it’s not even worth bothering trying to argue. When your opinion and points are that bad there’s no getting through to you.
“When I realize I am trying to argue against a >century-old concept that I’ve never heard of before but has extensive literature written about it by many of the most world-renowned thinkers and scientists on socio-economics and that has had literal world-changing revolutions fought in large part because of it, I will still maintain my illusion that I’m not just an ignorant fool by pretending it’s actually the former that is ridiculous and not me.”
That’s fine by me, keep to your little bubble of ignorance. Kinda sad, though. Might I suggest reading a book some time?
“Rent is theft”
“Profit is theft”
Nobody is going to take you seriously when you say and believe things like this. Let me guess - you’re all for communism? Answer, don’t answer, I don’t care since you’re getting blocked now :)
Should have paid more attention to your username. “Pronouns in bio” is an instant nope.
You’re telling me rent is theft?

You’re telling me profit is theft?