Gotta clean EVERYTHING this weekend for Tuesday rental inspection… I’ll potentially procrastinate and end up taking Monday off work to do it. Already started though so that’s positive. Benefits of having a small place are that it’s relatively quick to clean. I will alternate between a little gaming followed by a little cleaning. Repeat until it’s time for beer. Then it will be beer and gaming followed by a little cleaning.
Having just gone through this recently… you can do it! And if not, there pressure from having procrastinated will force you to do it in record time. Get the bathroom/shower done first is my advice since they tend to be the grottiest (I hate cleaning bathrooms)
Gotta clean EVERYTHING this weekend for Tuesday rental inspection… I’ll potentially procrastinate and end up taking Monday off work to do it. Already started though so that’s positive. Benefits of having a small place are that it’s relatively quick to clean. I will alternate between a little gaming followed by a little cleaning. Repeat until it’s time for beer. Then it will be beer and gaming followed by a little cleaning.
What would happen if you cleaned nothing?
No idea. I have always made sure everything is clean and tidy before rental inspections
REA really can’t do anything, they are supposed to be looking at the actual house or apartment, not your belongings
I’m pretty clean, I never bothered cleaning for an inspection. Rea’s do seem to have become bigger shits of people in the last ten years though.
Having just gone through this recently… you can do it! And if not, there pressure from having procrastinated will force you to do it in record time. Get the bathroom/shower done first is my advice since they tend to be the grottiest (I hate cleaning bathrooms)
I have just doused the shower and toilet with bleach 💪
remember to clean behind your ears
I did that exact routine minus the beer.
Procrastination helps the motivation!