Have to head down the bellarine tm. Bit of an issue cause the ol’ boy can’t cook. Huge mistake by that generations’ parents not to teach the dudes how to, even the basics. A few of his buds can and very well, but honestly all that old school gender role shit can get in the bin with this (mums) problem. I know cooking isn’t for everyone but fark me that’d be really handy right now. At least have a go at it.
Light and easy are well received by some of my older clients. They have seniors meals available. Might be worth it just for the peace of mind that there is food available if they want it. Or Ranahans do texture modified meals.
It’s just the expectation that someone’s doing it for him. He should be doing it for her now. She was doing all of it, managing two kids, career, house stuff, the guy whilst very good in his field can hardly put peanut butter on a crumpet. The mind boggles.
My dad would have been a decade or 2 older than yours I reckon, and I remember mum being in hospital when we were kids. All he could cook was scrambled eggs, so we ate that for every meal but breakfast, for 3 days
Also, there are quite a few ok microwave meals around - maybe you could stock up on a few of those for your parents?
Yeah it’s weird. Massive assumption that everyone would be straight and getting married so no need to be self sufficient :/
Surely he can swing a sammich though or fry an egg. Latina ravioli is pretty good, just boil in water and add sauce with a bagged salad. Bachelors handbag with coleslaw and rolls.
(Sorry if I sound unsympathetic. Due to these old school gender roles I was cooking for my family at 16 but was not taught any of the ‘dude’ basics and had to learn completely alone with 0 upper body strength. Still managed though there are things I won’t attempt to learn unsupervised.)
Have to head down the bellarine tm. Bit of an issue cause the ol’ boy can’t cook. Huge mistake by that generations’ parents not to teach the dudes how to, even the basics. A few of his buds can and very well, but honestly all that old school gender role shit can get in the bin with this (mums) problem. I know cooking isn’t for everyone but fark me that’d be really handy right now. At least have a go at it.
Light and easy are well received by some of my older clients. They have seniors meals available. Might be worth it just for the peace of mind that there is food available if they want it. Or Ranahans do texture modified meals.
Meals on Wheels? Delivery? If he’s a professional, then maybe the $$ aren’t an issue yet.
It’s just the expectation that someone’s doing it for him. He should be doing it for her now. She was doing all of it, managing two kids, career, house stuff, the guy whilst very good in his field can hardly put peanut butter on a crumpet. The mind boggles.
I genuinely don’t understand “can’t” cook. Like beef Wellington or soufflé, sure, but basic pasta or jar sauce curry? Fuck off.
yep. Weaponized incompetence. Imagine being brave enough to say “I have 0 interest in skills that would keep me alive”.
Exactly. If your arse can’t heat a can of soup and make some toast you need a Guardian.
My dad would have been a decade or 2 older than yours I reckon, and I remember mum being in hospital when we were kids. All he could cook was scrambled eggs, so we ate that for every meal but breakfast, for 3 days
Also, there are quite a few ok microwave meals around - maybe you could stock up on a few of those for your parents?
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Yeah it’s weird. Massive assumption that everyone would be straight and getting married so no need to be self sufficient :/
Surely he can swing a sammich though or fry an egg. Latina ravioli is pretty good, just boil in water and add sauce with a bagged salad. Bachelors handbag with coleslaw and rolls.
(Sorry if I sound unsympathetic. Due to these old school gender roles I was cooking for my family at 16 but was not taught any of the ‘dude’ basics and had to learn completely alone with 0 upper body strength. Still managed though there are things I won’t attempt to learn unsupervised.)
Not asked for but maybe something like this could help your dad? https://www.menskitchen.org.au/
It mentions having to take over the cooking and disabled wives so maybe it could be a source of support for him as well