• Pilk
      3 months ago

      It sounds like you are struggling more than usual. You need to reach out to either a person you trust or a support service.

    • StudSpud The Starchy
      3 months ago

      Engagement Engagement - news and content designed to instill fear, distrust, and hopelessness in the name of capitalism, profits, and division between social classes.

      This place is threatened by the new, unclear laws. Very few people here would want to provide IDs just to have a safe space to vent, and even less of us would be willing to give up our anonymity to continue having a community (WhatsApp, telegram, signal, even texting).

      It will only further our disconnection from a wholesome safe space. While I do have a few people blocked on this thread, I come here for safety, for connection, and to be kind to those of us who need that. We are all human, and humans are social animals, for the gubmint to take away our anonymity is to deny humans the social connections they require to maintain a semblance of stable mental health.

      It’s fucked up, the world, the government, the companies that seem intent on dividing us and removing our empathy to prevent us from organising and protesting. If we are too busy arguing with each other, then we cannot organise ourselves against the true evils of this world.

      I don’t have much to say to provide hope in these dark times, as I also feel the weight of the world and the fears they ellicit. But for now, we still have each other, and that’s what I’m focusing on.

        • StudSpud The Starchy
          3 months ago

          As a niece myself, who’s aunts and uncles do not talk to me outside of family gatherings, nor provide financial assistance, I would prefer to spend more time with them, over them leaving me an inheritance and killing themselves.

          As a daughter who’s father helps monetarily, but does not otherwise talk to me outside of family gatherings, I would prefer to spend time with him over any money he gives me. I’d rather be homeless and destitute if only he would take an interest in me, or just even text…

          What do you think your nibblings would prefer?

          A) A large inheritance and sad memories of a troubled, burnt-out uncle who left the earth early
          B) A inheritance and mediocre memories of an uncle who held no hope and prioritised working themself to death
          C) maybe a smaller inheritance but wonderful memories of an uncle who was there for their weddings, there for their own children, and died of old age?

          Don’t answer to me, think about it. There is nuance, of course, as I don’t know what you do outside of this thread. Just speaking from my own experience I suppose, so take it all with an ocean of salt. Nothing I say could ever change the way you see yourself or the future, but I suggest considering finding meaning in something other than “I must make lots of money to give my family”.

          I know what I would pick, personally. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    • melbaboutown
      3 months ago

      It doesn’t include online gaming or YouTube if that’s what you’re talking about. How do you feel about gaming or everyone making shitpost videos for each other to comment on?

      Edit: Ok now they’re saying YouTube might be? Make up your melons… Scuse AMP link https://amp.9news.com.au/article/1436a0e0-facc-47cd-9d46-14d87ebd4b9e

      They’re being frustratingly vague and contradictory but I see messaging and ‘educational’ platforms may be exempt so trying to work out how to rules lawyer this shit

    • SituationCake
      3 months ago

      Sounds like you are struggling. Yeah there’s some bad stuff out there but also lots of good. To live well we need to not fixate on things we can’t change. That’s a death spiral of frustration and anxiety and anger and overwhelm. Please reach out to people or services if you need to! For this forum, do you mean the SM age legislation? We don’t yet know exactly how it will work and I reckon with the speed that the government moves it could still be ages away until they figure out the tech required. And I’m sure some smart peoples will have some very easy solutions for how to stay anonymous anyways. I don’t think we are doomed, not right now anyway.

      BTW I’m not entirely opposed to some controls on what kids can view in the internet, there is some nasty stuff out there that is really bad for the mental health of kids. I don’t know what the sensible compromise is though.