• Bottom_racer
    4 months ago

    Sort of fucked up yesterday.

    Had ‘a go’ at the ol’ man about the way he’s trying to tackle his little fence dispute (on top of everything else). Basically long winded combative emails to the neighbour. Problem is the neighbour appears to have literacy issues judging by the way he writes (so they need to be short and to the point).

    Anyway so when you have a go, let’s just say he’s not the sort of person that will take criticism.

    So he stood up, calmly said he’s going for a walk. That shit never happens it’s always far more heated.

    On the one hand I shouldn’t have done that right now and just let it be, on the other it shows where his head is with respect to mum’s issues. It’s a completely unrelated issue (a fence and medical stuff) but it definitely says something.

    I have no idea how to support someone like him emotionally through this (not the fence but mum heh). He’s got a bunch of garden / house shit he’s doing which is his ‘escape’ but I can tell it’s really taking its toll.

    • imoldgreeeg
      4 months ago

      You are both under stress and it will happen. Don’t dwell on it. Maybe a quiet “Sorry if I came across harsh over the fence thing, let me know if you need anything” and move on.