Just because you can does not mean you should. If I have to eat coffee it will be whole beans (unused) covered with chocolate.
I’m not sure how eating used grounds would work. Are people spooning them straight from the plunger or maybe going for a mid-morning coffee ground sandwich?
TIL you can eat used coffee grounds. Yeah nah pass.
You can probably also eat used tea leaves. Nope.
Nope pass
Just because you can does not mean you should. If I have to eat coffee it will be whole beans (unused) covered with chocolate.
I’m not sure how eating used grounds would work. Are people spooning them straight from the plunger or maybe going for a mid-morning coffee ground sandwich?
It would be like eating dirt. Ew
How nutritious is it? Not very I would say or we would be eating it already.
Nah. Not for me. Even the fine ground Turkish coffee stuff where I accidently went right down to the bottom is like sand or never ending fine grains.
It’s not a nice texture so I’m with you. Hard pass.
Yeah if I get a bit in my mouth, it gets spat back into the cup it came from.
This might seem odd as well but while I love drinking warm or hot coffees I hate cold coffee and also coffee flavoured lollies/sweets.
That is odd. Coffee flavoured stuff is the best.