P.S when’s botbot fixed?

  • NathA
    6 months ago

    Don’t pickles default to cucumbers? Like, you can have pickled onions/capsicum etc. But if you just say “pickles”, you mean cucumber.

    • Rusty Raven M
      6 months ago

      Pickling is a method of preserving and can be anything, but my understanding is that people assume it is cucumber because that is what is generally used in fast food / restaurants. Given I pickle many things (and not very often cucumber) I feel I should specify the vegetable.

      I did wonder from your comment if cucumbers are always the default for pickles and if I’m just being picky because I do a lot of preserving, so I asked ChatGPT as the resident language expert, and its opinion is that:

      “Typically, when someone mentions “pickles” without specifying a vegetable, it often refers to pickled cucumbers, as they are the most common type of pickles. However, context and regional variations can lead to different interpretations or types of pickled vegetables being implied, such as pickled peppers, carrots, onions, etc.”