Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • melbaboutown
    1 year ago

    Melbcat is having a bad day. Breakfast was cheap and substandard (sardines) so of course she couldn’t eat it, and missed her meds. I should have syringed some into her mouth but was busy and hoped she would get to it. Now she’s had the indignity of numbing antibiotic cortisone cream applied to her poor itchy face. It’s made her skin redder.

    But after refusing another sardine snack and having a tantrum she’s had her supper meds early and got the fancy cat food tin she wanted.

    Edit: The numbing didn’t kick in fast enough to stop the additional itching from the cortisone and she started washing her face while licking her paw. I’ve used an unscented baby wipe to remove as much as possible