I loathe them. The revving, the constant rumble, it grates on me to the point I might turn into a mindless murderer. We have a guy who uses it almost daily at work, and just lets it idle and…urgh.
Feckin’ great for clearing out the aircon filter or a PC case. Also occasionally used when His Lordship wants a quick dopamine hit clearing off the terrace. Air machine go VOOOM
Leaf blowers.
Please get a big broom or rake instead.
I loathe them. The revving, the constant rumble, it grates on me to the point I might turn into a mindless murderer. We have a guy who uses it almost daily at work, and just lets it idle and…urgh.
I have a blower…it never gets used for leaves.
Feckin’ great for clearing out the aircon filter or a PC case. Also occasionally used when His Lordship wants a quick dopamine hit clearing off the terrace. Air machine go VOOOM