Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • Baku
    1 year ago

    So I’ve made it into NSW proper this time (not just walking to the border, but actually being in a NSW town). Everything here is just very slightly different but in a way that feels somewhat… Creepy? The footpaths are a little more crooked, the signs are almost the same but laid out differently, they sometimes put turning lights when they only need to show red and nothing else (mainly right turns) on top of the regular traffic lights so they become 4 light signals. Even though railway wise, they use 2 position signalling here rather than the 3 we use in Vic

    I love and hate this at the same time. I’ve got no clue why it makes me feel creeped out, but it’s sort of like being in a realistic dream but everything is just a tiny bit off.

    Idk, my observations ig

    • Thornburywitch
      1 year ago

      Back in the 80s I had to take a business trip to Hobart. One thing that really jarred me, was really weird, was that EVERYONE on the street was a blonde or a shade of blonde. Even Myers had racks and racks of blue clothes, bugger all red clothes and any brunette on the street really stood out. I was kinda shocked. Has probably changed now though.

    • just_kitten
      1 year ago

      I will never not internally remark on how stuffed NSW roads and infrastructure seem to be just over the border.

      As a driver, the most annoying thing really is the no u turn except when permitted rule.

      • Baku
        1 year ago

        I didn’t actually know that was a thing. But yeah that seems pretty annoying. I also noticed that if a pedestrian is waiting to cross and gets a green man, all vehicle lights will stay red until the red man starts flashing, which is pretty cool though I do see how it could be annoying for drivers. Unfortunately that doesn’t provide as much protection as you’d think, because their pedestrian timings are completely whack, at least here in Albury. I’ve crossed ~9 signalised pedestrian crossings today, and on not one of them have I made it to the middle island before the man starts flashing