Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • just_kitten
    2 years ago

    While we’re brain dumping I just want to say: I got another snarky email from the boss this evening; it was a legitimate comment, but said in quite a condescending way that really is just laughable coming from a manager, not to mention incredibly hypocritical given how poorly they’ve handled things for months now.

    And readers… Despite the exact text being exactly one of the worse things my brain has flagellated itself with for years, i.e. a nightmare come true, I actually, finally, DIDN’T spiral, or feel the need to distract myself.

    I just rolled my eyes and pretty calmly kept on with what I was doing without missing a beat. And then I found a good break and am having dinner. And I still don’t feel a burgeoning anxiety - I feel calm, and confident, and safe, and relieved that most of this will be over soon. Because I am no longer trapped. ⛓ ⛏

    Unrelated: Sox’s blood test results came back. Frustratingly, her results were borderline, but also highly suggestive of an ovarian remnant (>2x the usual level). It makes sense that it was borderline by the time she came back from the vet she was pretty much back to normal so it would’ve been at the end of the cycle. However, the options are extremely expensive… Surgery is like 2.5-3k 😿 and her owner is gonna struggle a lot to get that kind of money given how much he’s already spent on her. Right now her cycles are very inconsistent, so maybe he might just have to put up with her being an absolute pain for 2-3 weeks every year. And save up a contingency fund in case the cycles do become more regular.

    Anyway, I just want to say FUCK YEAH I GUESSED RIGHT.

    • melbaboutown
      2 years ago

      Poor little pudding. Can you/they call around for different prices? Prices can vary depending on the place and Lort Smith might be able to help for less than a private vet for example.

      Would you guys be willing to split the cost? Do a fundraiser?

      Also threads on the Other Place came up suggesting an implant as an alternative to surgery, ‘suprelorin implant’. It’s probably cheaper and will buy time (or can be used if second surgery fails) but it only lasts a few years

      • just_kitten
        2 years ago

        I think with this kind of surgery it’s going to be expensive either way as it is exploratory so not routine - if they’re lucky it’s obvious and easily removed, if not they need time and skills to go around hunting for the ovarian remnant.

        For now I think it’s just wait and see. He wants to figure out if he can try and recoup some costs from whoever spayed her, but at the same time sometimes these remnants occur due to unnatural growth, rather than from a botched spay…

        If it’s just two to three weeks of the year, it could be managed by keeping her to one room with the easiest to clean surfaces and the bathroom, taking any electronics, bags, etc out or putting them in an inaccessible location. And checking for pee twice a day with a UV light, and wearing earplugs at night for the yowling… What was frustrating was that her most recent cycle happened in winter, that’s less predictable than if it happened in summer