Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 13°C, max - 25°C. 95% chance of no rain

  • just_kitten
    1 month ago

    Was feeling quite shit most of the day, awful headache coming and going from last night (think I was severely dehydrated) But after a heap of water, rest, nurofen, a cool chocolate milk, and tidying up - motivated by my friend offering to visit my current place tomorrow - plus a quick zucc and carrot stir-fry - I feel moderately better!

    Pretty chuffed by today's efforts

    I unpacked two big items of resistance - the last box of clothes and THE SHOES - set up the shoe rack and properly stored a bunch of shit and gave everything a good vacuum. The living room looks MUCH less depresso!

    The final big thing remaining is the two boxes of pantry items (so much avoidance around the kitchen!), but maybe with my friend around I’ll get some ideas/motivation for how to store them. Gosh it’ll feel great to leave on my break with a house that’s mostly functional.

    Still need to sort out getting rid of the scratched poang chair, clearing out crap from the car, and going to my friend’s place to sort out the shit I dumped at hers (postponed to next weekend), but I’m getting there!

    E: removed chair from car and found useful place for it by door, car is much less hectic, once i deposit a few things it’ll be mostly ready for a long overdue clean. Unpacked the extra meds/creams. Good, good

    I WILL commit to setting up my new phone now, given that the final item I’d ordered for it online arrived today.