Done with the uni end of year event, left a bit early but I’m glad because I could really feel myself hitting a wall. Such a beautiful day to be out! Truly Goldilocks weather. And I was reminded there are some good and lovely people still on campus - despite the drama over the years and some meanies - and I’m glad to be working with them.
Gotta keep the positive energy going over the weekend but for tonight I’m just gonna blob out and sleep. Forked out for a short trip to go visit my mum while she’s in WA in early Jan as I don’t think she’s gonna be happy visiting me in this cramped little hotbox. Two things to look forward to, yay!
Haha time with my mum is never exactly great, but it’ll feel good to catch up with her because that’ll make her happy. It will be at my aunty’s place and she’s always lovely and it’s great to be around the two of them together. After mid Jan I won’t have a chance to take any real time off until end June so I might ad well make the most of it
Done with the uni end of year event, left a bit early but I’m glad because I could really feel myself hitting a wall. Such a beautiful day to be out! Truly Goldilocks weather. And I was reminded there are some good and lovely people still on campus - despite the drama over the years and some meanies - and I’m glad to be working with them.
Gotta keep the positive energy going over the weekend but for tonight I’m just gonna blob out and sleep. Forked out for a short trip to go visit my mum while she’s in WA in early Jan as I don’t think she’s gonna be happy visiting me in this cramped little hotbox. Two things to look forward to, yay!
Yay. Finally time to blob out and get some good rest in.
That’s great that you’re going to be able to see your mum soon.
I hope you have a great time when you go visit her.
Haha time with my mum is never exactly great, but it’ll feel good to catch up with her because that’ll make her happy. It will be at my aunty’s place and she’s always lovely and it’s great to be around the two of them together. After mid Jan I won’t have a chance to take any real time off until end June so I might ad well make the most of it
Oh ha. Sounds like my dad and I where in small doses it’s ok.
Sounds like a good plan of attack. Take the opportunity while you can, especially with so little time off in the future.
I sent you a DM as well.