• imoldgreeeg
    4 months ago

    Yass you can do it! And it will feel like home when you have your stuff in and made it your own. I have lived in big places and tiny old hobbit holes and anything can be a home.

    And I vote for the instant pot. I have a smallish kitchen and ummed and ahhed because of storage but it is so helpful. Rice cooker, pasta sauces, dried legumes cooked without soaking, curries, yoghurt. I use it multiple times a week .

    • just_kitten
      4 months ago

      Yeah, I’ll be very tight on storage but reckon the instant pot will be worth the space - I’ll never use the oven so I think I’ll use it as storage. I’ll still keep a separate rice cooker so I can have a curry and rice going at the same time 😁

      I have soooo many dried legumes, ironically purchased a week before all this rental shitstorm started. It’ll be great to get through them all, and save heaps of money at the same time! Chana dal curries without soaking? Sign me the fuck up. Especially the set and forget part of it. Think I will have a crack at dal makhani as well, never made it before.