🥞 Happy Pancake Day 🥞

  • imoldgreeeg
    7 months ago

    For me - pick a couple of small things that are guaranteed to help you (like basics - home cooked dinner, morning sunshine, decent bedtime - what is super simple but feels delightful?). Anchor to them. You won’t do everything but if there’s something you can come back to as a reset it helps. Get outside and moving (running is good, even walking, or just putt your feet on grass every day and breathe for a minute.). Make some of these little spaces to feel your feelings, or just to hook into the bigger natural world.

    For me its sleep and nature. I try to go for a walk every day (even a few houses and back). I stick my head out the window at night and look at the sky / clouds. Every morning I get up round 6am or earlier. Even if I just wash my face, look out the window, have a glass of water and then go back to bed. Its a little anchor.

    And have a list of friends - if you’ve gone a few days without good easy connections, txt someone a meme, give them a call, organise a walk on the weekend. It hard but it really helps.