Have a good day and a great weekend! 👍

  • just_kitten
    8 months ago

    Aaaaahhh. I finally finished the entire application. My butt hurts from sitting too long and I haven’t eaten since 11am and I still fluffed up a passage about time management, lol.

    Once upon a time I would’ve felt profoundly sick at having to talk myself up so much and “sell” myself to an employer. I guess now I’m just jaded enough to recognise it’s a game I have to play to keep a roof over my head. Just gotta give it a go. I’m not super invested in this job anyway tbh but figure it’s the best option going atm and worth a try.

    Still waiting for that 3-day a week/short term contract job that would work so much better for me.

    Anyway time to go shower and eat and unwind.