Wow. Passed out so well on that nap I legit thought I had slept through till morning. Super strange dreams. Trying the get harrison ford to his plane but he was having a heart attack and simultaneously missing my own plane and being yelled at and also trying to figure out work stuff. Ugh. I am glad my brain got whatever that was out of its system but I am not a fan of being kidnapped into a 3 hour sleep while it worked.
Wow. Passed out so well on that nap I legit thought I had slept through till morning. Super strange dreams. Trying the get harrison ford to his plane but he was having a heart attack and simultaneously missing my own plane and being yelled at and also trying to figure out work stuff. Ugh. I am glad my brain got whatever that was out of its system but I am not a fan of being kidnapped into a 3 hour sleep while it worked.
I’m having the weirdest dreams off the weed for a while now.