Anyone have a good substitute for Somersby ciders? Boyo has decided he doesn’t want to drink them any more because reasons unrelated to taste, but wants something that tastes similar. He’s tried Three Oak (okay) and Monteith (not a fan).
I can’t remember the brand but don’t sleep on pear cider. As far as finding another brand, buy a 4/6pack of everything Dan’s stocks over a few weeks / months, save a can or two of each, then eventually have a tasting session to compare them as a group. Works for any booze, I’ve done it for tequila and stout.
Not sure if it’s an age thing or region thing tbh. I mean, I’m 32 and hadnt heard the phrase until like, 10yrs ago from my cousin’s ex (then gf). She’s from SA though, so it could be an SA phrase 😂
Anyone have a good substitute for Somersby ciders? Boyo has decided he doesn’t want to drink them any more because reasons unrelated to taste, but wants something that tastes similar. He’s tried Three Oak (okay) and Monteith (not a fan).
I can’t remember the brand but don’t sleep on pear cider. As far as finding another brand, buy a 4/6pack of everything Dan’s stocks over a few weeks / months, save a can or two of each, then eventually have a tasting session to compare them as a group. Works for any booze, I’ve done it for tequila and stout.
I had an obsession with Rekorderlig cider personally, their Pear cider is absolutely delicious!
Reasons? I like my cider dry. Recorderlig Passionfruit (skip the others) WilliecSmith Bone Dry. I think Somersby tends a bit sweeter
They don’t call it “somersby stomach” for no reason 😂😂😂
Never heard the phrase. Am old??
Not sure if it’s an age thing or region thing tbh. I mean, I’m 32 and hadnt heard the phrase until like, 10yrs ago from my cousin’s ex (then gf). She’s from SA though, so it could be an SA phrase 😂
I’ve never heard of this phrase, but a few years ago, I drank five ciders in one night, and RIP my digestive system