Another benefit to WFH: taking a shit in peace. The bloke in the stall next to me before was going to a logie! Seriously, I’m quieter having sex than this dude was in the bathroom. if you gotta groan moan and grunt and gasp like that go to a bloody doctor bro.
Ewwwww, this I do not miss about working in offices. My co-working has a separate unisex toilet, I use that. So do a few other people, and the ventilation is quite poor in there, so opening the door sometimes comes with a smelly surprise.
Another benefit to WFH: taking a shit in peace. The bloke in the stall next to me before was going to a logie! Seriously, I’m quieter having sex than this dude was in the bathroom. if you gotta groan moan and grunt and gasp like that go to a bloody doctor bro.
There was a secret toilet in the building where the office is.
I can’t do the whole side by side thing.
dont mind it for sitting down, not a massive fan of it for standing up though.
I only make heaps of noise in the bathroom when the person in the stall next to me is on the phone.
Ewwwww, this I do not miss about working in offices. My co-working has a separate unisex toilet, I use that. So do a few other people, and the ventilation is quite poor in there, so opening the door sometimes comes with a smelly surprise.