An easy way to make “homemade pizza” is to get those pita/flat bread circles from woolies. Usually under $2-$3 for (iirc) a pack of six. Keep them in the fridge for longevity. Slap some tomato paste on them (or whatever you prefer), and the ingredients you want (I usually go cheap ham/deli meat, capsicum, onion, cheese, etc) and 15mins in the oven at 200c and bam! Delicious cheap pizza!
Saves using energy and time to make the pizza dough from scratch!
An easy way to make “homemade pizza” is to get those pita/flat bread circles from woolies. Usually under $2-$3 for (iirc) a pack of six. Keep them in the fridge for longevity. Slap some tomato paste on them (or whatever you prefer), and the ingredients you want (I usually go cheap ham/deli meat, capsicum, onion, cheese, etc) and 15mins in the oven at 200c and bam! Delicious cheap pizza!
Saves using energy and time to make the pizza dough from scratch!