I found water soluble eucalyptus oil solution works wonders. I had some socks that were still smelling a bit foot-like even after a whole heavy duty wash. Eucalyptus fixed it.
This is what Boyo & flatmate did when working at a fish based fertiliser manufacturer. Buy multiple op shop pants each week, strip on the porch, and bin pants. Nothing is removing that stench.
I found water soluble eucalyptus oil solution works wonders. I had some socks that were still smelling a bit foot-like even after a whole heavy duty wash. Eucalyptus fixed it.
buying all the cleaning agents is more expensive than opshop jeans.
just throw these ones out and buy another pair
This is what Boyo & flatmate did when working at a fish based fertiliser manufacturer. Buy multiple op shop pants each week, strip on the porch, and bin pants. Nothing is removing that stench.
Fair point. Now you mention it, the cleaning stuff I buy is usually around ten bucks a bottle. Last time I bought op shop jeans they were about $6.
Good call, Aldi might have some when I can get there
Every now and again I need to throw a capfull of white vinegar in with my Gi wash to knock the stank out of it.