Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 18°C, max - 32°C. 95% chance of no rain
Tomorrow is back down to 22°C with 3 days of rain, so make sure to get your washing done today!
Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 18°C, max - 32°C. 95% chance of no rain
Tomorrow is back down to 22°C with 3 days of rain, so make sure to get your washing done today!
Happy Birthday! I want to address this:
SOMETIMES surviving is enough. Some times keeping your head above water is good enough. If you really feel this way (and its not some sort of negative perception or comparing how you think your life SHOULD be) then tomorrow pick a project, start small and tackle it. tomorrow aint promised, so if there is something you want to do get started.