Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 14°C, max - 31°C. 100% chance of no rain

Time to start closing the windows, freezing the ice blocks, and preparing the fans (or wallet if you’ve got proper air conditioning)!

  • just_kitten
    25 days ago
    cooking and unpacking, oh my.

    Making that huge batch of hoppin john was a pain in that tiny kitchen - constantly felt like I was going to knock something over and hit my head on the range hood - but I DID IT and did all the dishes as well (as depressed as that made me). I hate this kitchen so much!

    One major major accomplishment though was that while looking for the TVP mince I finally found the energy and “fuckit”-ness to unpack the dreaded remaining pantry boxes!!! Took a lot of faffing around and moving and adjusting to work out a reasonable arrangement but I managed to get almost everything into some kind of a sensible location. What a huge weight off my back not having those two dastardly boxes in my room any more :)

    After all that I had no time to do any work as my friend turned up and we wandered around the shops nearby a bit, but now she’s gone and I’ve had a bit of downtime… gonna have an early dinner and maybe do 1-2 hrs of work before I call it a night.

    Productive weekend but geez can’t wait for one where I do sweet FA and can feel good about it.

    Have decided I’ll go into the office tomorrow to work as I remembered that when my neighbour has the aircon on it intermittently grunts every 5 minutes which annoys the fuck out of me. Plus, free coffee. And I need a break from this stiflingly tiny unit. The bedroom is super warm despite having the blinds down, windows closed and lounge aircon on since noon. :(