• Duenan
    3 months ago

    I’ve already burnt and used my allocated days off over the last couple of weeks without having to produce a certificate.

    I don’t know what I could take off with what reasons. In a lot of ways I feel like I’m fighting a losing battle but if I go missing as well that would signal that I probably lost it and gave up.

    It’s 3 weeks left then the problem goes away so I probably have to summon the strength to endure it however nasty and unpleasant it may be.

    The worst thing it happens in the last 5-10 mins of each day. It’s not the way I want or like to end the day.

    Work is doing what it can but I think at the same time they’re only half measures. I’ve only just realised today that this person has no concept of ownership over their own actions and responsibilities or accountability. They’re perception is so warped that they can’t even comprehend that the last month of their behaviour has been bad.

    I’m hoping something happens or changes soon but that’s like hoping for a miracle.

    • just_kitten
      3 months ago

      Gosh this person seriously sounds abusive. Any way you can maybe try and go for a bathroom break or disappear early? Just to limit contact with this person as much as possible. I’m getting the sense work can’t move this person on and they’re clearly not receptive to change either.

      The perception of having lost or given up doesn’t matter as much as your ongoing mental health, you need to be able to power through the remainder of the year and be well enough for next year, and if that means getting a Dr to just write up a mental health sickie for 3 days (they never need to put the reason why on the cert) I would personally go for it. Life is too short and precious to be worried about perception IMO when you’re as seriously affected as you’ve been describing