• Seagoon_
    3 months ago

    I was really lucky, Miss Seagoon was pretty easy, only when older she developed likes and dislikes. No capsicum, no pumpkin and no no onion. I solved it by first, not making any drama at all if she didn’t want something, she could leave it on her plate. And then when older letting her serve herself, that way there were no arguments

    • CEOofmyhouse56
      3 months ago

      My kid was the same. Ate every vegetable. Still eats every vegetable except spring onion. From a very early age, around the table, we discussed the benefits of each veg (every veg is a Super food) and the fact vegetables give you good poo poos. Never had to hide them. Never separate meals.

      I had a more tough love approach. You don’t have to eat them but you’ll go to bed hungry. Was that bullying? Probably yes. Does my kid have a problem with food? Not in the slightest.